Day 14- BLOCKED.

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"Carter, hi

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"Carter, hi. I've left you 25 messages and you've yet to call me back. Are you ignoring me? Is that what you do? DO YOU SLEEP WITH GIRLS AND FORGET ABOUT THEM?!?" I calmed my tone as I was in a public place. "Now, I'm on my way to your house. See you soon." I slammed the phone down on the receiver and left the pay phone.

I reached Carter's doorstep, but hesitated to knock. I opened it instead. I searched his living room, kitchen, all the rooms on the first floor. Moans were heard upstairs. The moans of a woman. I crumbled my fist together and stomped up the stairs.

"Oh Carter..." I opened the door to find a woman straddling him. A blonde.

Guess he has a type, huh?

"Carter!" I screamed.

The girl shrieked and fell off.

"Sabrina?!? What the hell are you doing here?!?"

"What am I doing?! What are YOU doing?!? I can't believe you'd be with another woman when I'm carrying your child!"

"She's carrying your what?!?" The girl barked.

"Don't listen to her babe! She's crazy! I hooked up with her last night and she—

"So you're admiring that you cheated on me!"

"Wait no. Okay yes I did but—

"We are some. Don't ever contact me again." She gathered up her clothes and ran past me.

I smirked to myself, "Oh no. Was that your girlfriend? Oops."

He glared at me and before I knew it his hands were around my throat. I struggled beneath his grip. My feet slowly rising from the floor. Gripping his face I clawed at his eyes and he let me go.

"You bitch!"

I shoved him and he tripped. Behind him was a window. "No Carter!"

Bursting through the window, his body hit the ground with a thud.

My hands shaked. Staring down at his body I felt frozen in mind. It took all my strength to pull out my phone.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My neighbor. He just fell out a second story window! Please send help." I gave the address and hung up.

I walked out the back door to avoid detection.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now