Day 5- So You Wanna Hear a Spooky Story?

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"Your story was lame, but mine won't be

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"Your story was lame, but mine won't be."

I rolled my eyes at my friend Marie. Her constant need to be better than everyone at everything is a nuisance. "Okay Marie, what's your story called?"

We all gathered around a roaring fire. You t was the weekend and my friends and I decided to go camping.

"My story is called the essence of immortality."

My boyfriend Josh laughed at her, "We're supposed to be telling spooky stories Marie, that doesn't sound scary."

"Just wait and listen, okay?" She cleared her throat, "Normal humans wouldn't know, but there are those among us that never die. Those who can't die, there called the immortals. Most of them are cursed, some are gracious to be born with it, and some think they are gifted. They are not. For it is not a gift to love forever. To love one who you know can't love you forever. To have children and know they might die before you. Or to have children knowing you may be cursing them the moment their born. There are immortals who are lucky even though they can't die, they can live their lives peacefully. Then there are the unlucky ones. These immortals must use the essence of others to live."

"If they need others to live then they wouldn't be immortal."

"No they wouldn't die, they'd just be to weak and fragile to anything. And who wants to live like that forever?"

"Wow. Great story Marie."

"I'm not finished." She snapped. "One night, an immortal figured out how to suck the life out of a bunch of people at once. She brings them to a secluded camp ground and weakens them by poisoning their food."

I stopped chewing my hot dog and looked at her.

Josh laughed along with our other friends. "That story was worse than yours babe!"

"Hey!" I kicked him in the leg.

Marie gasped, "Oh I forgot the most important part. Based on a true story."

My throat slowly started to close as I spit out the hot dog I was chewing.

"Babe you okay?"

Josh suddenly started to cough as well along with our other friends.

I clutched at my throat gasping for air.

The last thing I saw was Marie's wicked smile before I lost consciousness.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now