Day 19- Space.

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"You girl have it so lucky

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"You girl have it so lucky. I tell my husband I need some me time, a bit of space and he flips out! I love him honestly, but sometimes I wish I was still young and single."

"You act like your 85 Cleo. Your 34, live your life. Don't have it defined by your husband."

I nod and raise my glass of champagne, "To living your life."

We clink our glasses and I down mine to pour another.

I was in a three-day cruise with two of my girlfriends. I've been married to my husband for 10 years, but it feels like 50. We've known each other our entire lives. We were neighbors we group up together, then in high school we started dating. We dated all throughout college and got married right after. All I know is him and all he knows is me.

It's not ridiculous to me to want space...

"It's getting dark, do you girls want to head back to our rooms?"

I laid back and looked at the midnight sky, the moon shined full. "I actually think I want to sit out for a while. I'll come in soon."

One of my friends, Maxie, decided to stay back with me.

"You could've went with the others. I'm fine."

She shakes her head, "Leaving you out here alone at night. Didn't feel good. Safety in numbers.

I smiled at her, but she probably couldn't tell. It was getting really dark.

"The boat should have better lights then this."

"Honestly, I don't think we're supposed to be out here this late. This isn't a singles cruises, this is an elderly cruise. That's why we got passes so cheap."

"Still, there should be lights out— I stopped peeking out into the ocean. "What is that?"

Maxie got up when I did and walked closer to the edge.

"You see it right?"

"Yeah, what is that."

As we got closer it appeared. The boat horn sounded, muffling my screams.

I fell off the bed completely disoriented. Ouch. Opening my eyes slowly, my room came into focus. I'm home? How?


My husband didn't respond. But I smelled freshly brewed coffee and toast. He had to be here.

I got up and rubbed my sore bottom. "Chris?"

He wasn't in the kitchen. I fixed my self a cup and went to the living room. He stood there in the center staring at the TV.


"In other news, a mass casualty in the seas. A poorly lit boat crashed early this morning. Leaving 12 survivors in a bout filled with 50. Despite numerous attempts for a rescue. They couldn't get there in time and most of the victims drowned. The cruise ship, St. John's is being retrieved with divers as we speak."

St. John's? That's... the boat I was on. How did I get home? Are my friend s okay?!?

"Chris we have to call the police I have to find out if my friends made it out okay!"

His phone rings and he slowly pulls it out his pocket. "Hello?"

"Chris... hi. It's Maxie."

"MAXIE! Oh thank God. Ask her is she okay? And about the others!"

"Chris, I—I don't know how to tell you this...

"She's dead, isn't she?" He sobbed.

"When the boat hit, she slipped and fell over the railing. Dive team just found her body. I'm so sorry."

He was silent except for his sobs.

I dropped my mug. A mug that was probably never there to begin with. I'm dead?

"I could've saved her." She cried. "I had her hand in mine and she—she just slipped. She slipped from my grasp... it happened so fast."

"Where are you?"

"The hospital."

"I want to see her. I'll be there in five minutes."

When he turned around, it made me take a few steps back. It frightened me. Chris, my only love, my husband for a decade, was smiling. In a cheery mood he grabbed his keys, tossed them in the air and walked out the door whistling Forget you by CeeLo Green.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween. (2019)Where stories live. Discover now