Chapter 1

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In the land of Valera where everybody knew what magic was and had seen someone doing it, being born as the eldest was a curse. Because everybody knew if you venture out in the world for success you will fail most terribly.

Josephine was exactly that. She was the eldest one. Her two younger sisters were Penelope and Maria. They lived in Valera with their parents, Laura and Arthur. It was a peaceful town, with neighbouring market piper where all the  magical activities took place.

Laura was probably the most beautiful woman in the town. With bright green eyes and brown hair she was the love at first sight for Arthur. It took quite some time for Arthur to convince her to become his wife and the rest is as we now know it.

Inheriting the facial features of their mother( and the best of their father ) all three girls grew up to be beautiful with Penelope being the prettiest one, as per the town people. Although Arthur had been ardent appreciater of beauty, he wanted his daughters and to achieve more than just looks in their life.

As a result he sent them to best schools to have the best education. He always told them to focus more on brains then beautiful. As such the girls grew up to be studious and intelligent, Jo being the most, reading all kinds of books on magic.

Penelope also had amazing talent in singing and was well on her way to become a singing idol. Being a singing idol, worked a little different in Valera because you also had to have extra magical training, along with your usual singing and dancing lessons, to have that extra quality that only good magic can provide. And for that she has to complete her schooling and then 3- 4 years training in magical guilds in Market Piper and finally she would be ready to be an idol and move to the big city Parchmentown.

The youngest sister Maria had an amazing aptitude for being a magician. Till now, she had serious difficulty in finding a person who had same level of skills at her age. So as such, she will also move to market Piper for completing her magical education.

Jo tried not to feel disappointed in her destiny and lack of an interesting future. Studious and deligent by nature, she put her energy preparing her sisters for their future. Most of her free time was put in working in the clothing shop which she has been doing since she was 12. Six years later she has become quite adept in handling all the necessary tasks and in doing the the sewing work herself. After her schooling, it was pretty clear for her where she will end up.

Her small chances of success did not sit quite well with her sisters, when they saw how hard she worked. One day, they were discussing:

"I mean Can you believe this? Even mother and father also believe that." said Penelope.

They were sitting outside their small shed, where at one time, two cows and seven sheeps lived. But when few gray hairs appeared on Arthur's head, and when he was too tired after feeding them, they knew they had to sell them. So, as of now, it became a perfect place for Maria and Penelope to hang out.

"It's not fair, isn't it?" said Maria, after full minute of rumination.

"Fair?? It doesn't even make sense. Like think about it for a sec- she can't succeed just because she's the eldest..... who even comes with this sort of stuff?"

"Hmmmm...I know. Sometimes I feel so angry thinking about this." Maria paused." But-but she won't be spending her whole life there, right? In that small shop?"

"I don't know-" said Penelope, first signs of defeat showing in her voice." I hope not-"

"Girls, I can hear what you're talking there..." a voice came from inside the shed, and soon their father came out of the door.

Both sisters jumped from surprise.

"What were you doing in there?!" exclaimed Maria. "You were spying, won't you?" said Penelope.

"Uh-huh, right. As I have nothing better to do." Arthur looked frustratingly at them. He loved them dearly, but sometimes they could be so annoying. " And I hear, you guys are having some serious problems?" 

Penelope shrugged ,"We were speaking only the truth.."

Arthur looked down at both of them, "See Penelope...and Maria, let me tell you one thing, since you're always talking about this. Not everybody can or wants to have a dream life like yours. Some people just have small dreams. And you've got to settle somewhere."

"Yes, but-" Maria jumped in "I have seen Jo. She's not happy here. She is settling because she has to, not because she wants to-"

Arthur sighed deeply," So, you're thinking working in the shop is so lame, huh? Remember, you've been eating and drinking with the same money."

"Yes...but-" Penelope rolled her eyes. It was always the same argument. "She doesn't like it. I have seen her sometimes-"said Penelope.

"Enough, girls." Arthur said sternly "It's enough, alright? It's dark and I'm tired and hungry. Come inside, Mom must be waiting for us."

Both girls walked inside with their shoulders slouched. As usual, the discussion was terminated.

And as such the days passed and life peacefully went on. But sea can only be peaceful for so long. One day Arthur went to get the groceries from Market Piper and the news came that Arthur had died from a sudden heart attack. That day-that same damn day can be counted as the day when things really started to go downhill for the family.

The three sister and mother had barely recovered from the shock and the funeral, when demands of fees and the bills start coming.. . Apparently the best quality also demanded high price.

Two days after the funeral, Laura has to sit with the daughters to discuss their future.

"I am afraid, you all have to leave school. I've been doing all the calculations and there's no possible way we could ever pay the fees." Laura said.

"But I want to become an idol." said Penelope, with conviction and beauty that even grief and black clothes could not hide.

"So you shall, my dear. I have arranged all the possible apprenticeships. They are the best and of course we will be able to afford them. You will be going to Big Hit ent. They are quite new and very much affordable. They will provide you with excellent opportunities."

"But mum, remember the BTS group that debuted 2 years ago? They did one year of  work and now they are nowhere. Nobody really knows what happened to them. Are you sure Penny would be safe there?" said Jo.

"Yeah, about that.. But you see, right now they are the best we can afford. And what I have heard, what they teach there is phenomenal, and if nothing happens , we can shift Penelope to some other place. I am sure everybody would be lucky to have Her. But for now...let's just keep up with this.."

" Alright. If you say so..." Penelope said. Laura took a deep breath. Penelope could be too strong headed sometimes.

"And Maria, I have arranged you with Aunt Fiona. She has taught some of the greatest wizard and witches. I'm sure you will learn a great deal there."

"But isn't she 106 year old?" Maria asked .

"So what dear? Magic doesn't go with age. And she's still best at what she does." When all three looked doubtful, Laura continued," And what's even more amazing is she is teaching you for FREE. Now look how lucky is that..." Now when they looked a bit more convinced, Laura continued:

"And Jo dear, as you see no one would be there to help me in shop, I will take you as my apprentice. "

Jo wanted to ask what would do if she had learned more than an apprentice after working six years in the shop. But she kept quiet. It was the best thing for her after all.

" So, everything is discussed, right ? Does anybody have any questions ?" Laura asked.

The three sisters glanced at each other.

"So it's done then." Laura 


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