Chapter 16

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Jungkook was going out again. He was putting on his coat, and renewing his hair and makeup, but this time it was quick. It took just half and hour or so. In the lift all the people'd be in pajamas and t-shirts, and he's be the only one who'd be so dressed up. She was dying to ask him what he was up to but didn't want to sound like an intruder. Also there was a high proabability that he'd just give her a pesky reply.

At last he donned his shiny black leather shoes, and called for Jimin," Hyung, close the door."

He didn't even bothered to say a please, Jo thought. 

Jimin went to close the door. She stood at the door of the living room, to eavesdrop on what they were saying, on the pretext of cleaning some dirt behind the door. But they said nothing. Jimin just silently came back. They seemed to have some intutive understanding about each other. Whole lot of conversation happened with stares , hmm and nods. It was so annoying for Jo.

She got busy in cooking dinner and forgot about Jungkook. It was 10 pm by the time they  finished dinner. Jo cleaned the table and the dishes afterwards. As she was wrapping up the kitchen for the night, Taehyung came.

 "Jo, we have put bed for you, it's under the staircase."

"Oh that's very nice of you.But you didn't need to do that. I'd have slept on the couch."

"Come on Jo. Everybody deserves a good bed. And if you'd be straying here for months- well I hope so-" Taehyung said and shook his head in frustation, "I just don't wanna search for another housekeeper- you'd develop a backache by sleeping on the couch so long."

" That's-that' great." She felt nervous "Thank you." There was few seconds of awkward silence.

Taehyung waved his hand as to say don't mention it.

"And also, sleep on the other side of the bed, otherwise you can bang up your head in the morning. It's quite low on one side."

"Haha. I will. Don't worry about that."

"Alright,then. Good night. And go to bed early. Don't work too late."

"I will. Goodnight to you too."Jo said to his back as he ambled away.

It was 11:00 om by the time she wrapped up the work. And she was weary and felt heaviness on her shoulders. She looked up; the upper floor was dark; they were sleeping. She switched off the lights, and walked in the dark to her bed, breaking one pile of books, and yelping in pain as her thighs collided with couch. She removed her slippers, and climbed on the bed. As she laid on the pillow and looked around, the dark shadows were intimidating . And the house was dead quite. But her mind was wide awake, imagining all sorts of impossible scenarios. So she had to lay awake for quite some times before her mind got quite enough to let her sleep.


Clearly Jungkook didn't beleive in sleeping. Because it was 5:30 and he was banging up the doors and climbing stairs, as if deaf people were sleeping here.

Jo was woken up suddenly, when a heavy book fell just beside her bed. She tried to sleep again but realised there was no point when he was being this loud. She gave up and got off bed. She stretched herself and walked to remove the  remaining curtains from the windows. She could feel mild throbbing pain in her head. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep, she thought

When he looked at dining table, Jungkook was sitting there, reading something from a book and scribbling something furiously on a paper. His brows were furrowed as if he was reading something unpleasent. She wanted that book. But when he saw her looking, he scowled, got up and took the book and the paper with him and walked up the staircase. He made eye contact with her, till she was to one to look away. She felt mildly insulted, as if she lost some fight.

Soon Jimin and Taehyung came down. They had coffee on the couch while Jungkook stayed in his room. He only came for breakfast, that too gobbled so fast, that Jo feared that he'd choke himself. Then he went up again.

Taehyung raised his eyebrow at Jimin, as if to ask about Jungkook. Jimin just shrugged and went back to eating. She felt her frustation growing on their silent conversations. Few minutes later they also went in their rooms to prepare for the day. They told her they'd be staying in the house today.

Jo took out her clothes and towel from her bag. There was only one bathroom on the first floor. It was in the hallway just beside the kitchen. As she was walking there there her eyes fell on the door further down the hallway. She didn't notice it earlier. She went there and tried to open it but the door won't budge. The door was closed too tight without a lock. She gave up and went back to bathroom. She'd ask them later, about it.

As she entered the bathroom, she was greeted with mixture of fruity smells. All the slabs here were filled with various sizes of boxes and pouches. She picked up one pouch. It was a hair dye. Peach colour. When she picked up a box besideit, it was labelled "For eyes", she opened it and there were grey coloured lenses inside it. When she looked inside other box, labelled "For lips", she found a green coloured powder. She applied some on her fingers, and her fingers got coloured with some luscious shiny pink colour. When she touched that place, it felt so soft.

There were lots of boxes like that here, labelled "For hair", "For skin" etc. It'd be like a heaven for someone interested in beauty and makeup.

She bathed fast and brushed her teeth with whichever tooth paste was there. When she looked at the mirror, her teeth was at least one shade brighter. And the soap she used  left a tingling sensation on her skin. She walked out with her washed clothes and towel in her hands.

She found Jimin in the kitchen. He was wearing specs and performing some spells with his wand, on what looked like purple slimy paste.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Nothing. It's just...she'd be coming today."

"Who?" but he looked so deep in concentration, that she doubted he'd have heard her.

She went outside in the balcony, to hang her clothes under the sun. The view from the balcony was the same as of from the window, but at a slightly different angle. She looked down and the crowds in the shops and on the streets had increased since morning.

When she came back, Jimin was searching hard for something in the cupboard.

"Do you want something? she asked.

"Oh yeah, Jungkook must have left something for me. Yes...found it." And he took out some big packet.

Just then the door bell rang, and he ran, shouting, " I am coming!" on his way.

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