Chapter 19

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Jo could already feel the awkwardness in the air. She was lying in the bed, staring up at the staircase just to bide her time. She had counted the stairs three times till now (9 stairs). Jungkook was up as usual, making the whole house a hellhole for anyone sleeping ( she won't be needing any alarm clock from now on).

What's going to happen? she thought. Will they fire me? Jimin didn't look so angry yesterday, but i don't know about Taehyung. Will I have to say sorry ? When she thought about apologizing her body filled with a bad feeling. She was never good at that. It felt too vulnerable; like your pride was going to shatter and never put back up again.

She thought about apologizing to Jungkook, and her head shook in vehement no. Yesterday wasn't only her fault. He too raised his voice. And as of about  truce, she'd think later. When everything'd be comfortable and less awkward.

She got up from the bed, and stretched herself. Jungkook was again on the table studying something. As she stood in front of him, he raised his head imperceptibly to see her, and then went back to writing when he realised that he too was being watched. Then he closed the book, and walked up the staircase without even a single glance towards her.

She huffed Does it have to be this awkward?

She decided to prepare the breakfast, just to make it less unpleasant when they come. After few minutes she was cutting vegetables and Jimin entered the kitchen. She was so startled that she jumped. He gave her a small smile, and walked out with a water bottle in his hand. She wanted to ask him about her job status, but she felt  scared .

She met Taehyung at the dining table only-for breakfast. Jungkook too came to eat at the table, Of course, to make the matter worse,she thought. When they made eye contact she quickly looked away. They pulled the chairs to sit down. Only sound was of the chairs scratching on the floor-and awkward silence when they started eating. She cleared her throat.

"I am-I am sorry....about yesterday", her voice was barely audible.

"Ah! As you should be." Jungkook said.

"Tsk Tsk". Jimin said, "Let them talk Jungkook."

"What?" he said. "He too was rude to me."

"Still I am apologizing  to Jimin and Taehyung only." she said flatly. Jungkook  gave her a cold stare.

"Taehyung-ah." she called, when he was still staring down at his plate.

"It's okay." he said and looked up. He raised his hand to touch the back of his head. She realised he too was feeling awkward."These things happen when we live together. Jungkook and me-we are always fighting."

"We fight because we've been together for like 5 years" Jungkook said."And he came two days before."

"Jungkook-ah! Come \on, let's leave it, okay?" Jimin said "He is already feeling guilty."

"So I-I will still live here, right?" Jo said.

"You want to, right?" Taehyung asked with his big doey eyes. Jesus, how can anybody say no to this, she thought.

"Of course. I just wanted to be clear."

"And that's not because you do amazing work." Jungkook said.  "It's just because we need a house keeper and nobody else is there."

"Jungkook-ah! You wanna repeat yesterday again? "Jimin said.

Then Jungkook just got up, without replying, and went up to his room; his plate untouched.

Jo wanted to give back a retort, but she sat silently. Her impression was bad enough from yesterday. Jimin glanced at his full plate, and his brows got furrowed. He looked up, but Jungkook had already went in his room. For 15 minutes they quietly ate their food, then Jimin broke the silence.

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