Chapter 4

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This could not be ,Jo thought as their whole world shook in front of them. It felt like a bad dream-at one moment they were laughing and eating, and in the next everything had collapsed.

She heard a thudding sound and turned her head to find Penelope collapsed on the road, her white gown spread around her, in what could be described as the most depressing position.  Her all fours were on the floor, and she was looking down with a tragic expression, as she might find her voice there.

Jo wasn't able to able to bear the patheticness of the situation. She held her by the shoulders and pulled her up. She got up grudgingly ,and put all her weight her.  When Jo looked at her, her eyes were filled were tears. Her face was wet and warm. 

Jo has never seen Penelope so broken. She had always looked like she was in control, like she knew what she had to do. 

Please don't cry, Jo thought, if you cry, i will cry too.

Jo hugged her. She felt so rigid in her arms.

"Penny! Penny! Please stop crying. We will do something ,alright."

Penelope looked like she was in another world.

"Penny!!" Jo shook her by her shoulders. Penelope head shook a little, and she finally  looked at Jo.

Jo held her at a arm's distance, and said with as much conviction as she could muster ," It's okay, Penny we will do something. Everything will be fine."

She had to believe this herself, to do something, to find a solution. Cause everything felt so dreadful at the moment.

She felt a gnawing hopelessness creeping up in her stomach as she saw their pitiful situation- stranded in a middle of dark alley with no plan, with no future, and a formidable curse at their head. How in the world they are going to solve this?

She thought of the witch, and all her helplessness changed into a seething anger. She felt a volcano in the pit of her stomach. That stupid, stupid witch. What does she thinks of herself coming in the middle of the day and cursing us ? What did Penelope do to her? How could she? she thought and then realised all the uselessness all these thoughts. It felt like banging your head against  a thick wall. 

If only she had some magic....... if she had some magic she have used  all the magic of her lifetime, to do something  worse to the witch, to do anything to her .And  give Penelope her voice back.

But she didn't have magic. She didn't know what else to do. 

Just then she got an idea.

"Penny! Penny! What if we go to Aunt Fiona? She knows magic ,right ? She has even taught some of the best wizard and witches. Of course, she will able to have your voice back."

Penelope looked at her and something in her eyes changed.They got a bit of her shine back.

She just nodded. 

"C'mon, we should go now. Let's wipe your face. And then let's go." Jo said.

"Do you wanna have my shawl ?" Jo asked. May be she'd want to cover her face.

Penelope shook her head.



By the time Jo and Penelope reached there, it was evening .They stopped in front of a baby blue house. It was a cottage house. Here, the whole street was lined with cottage houses. They all had similar structures and neat front lawns with orchids, tulips and lilies lined at the hedges. This place had a peaceful and pleasant quality . Some birds were chirping, and clean smell of wet soil wafted in the air.  

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