Chapter 21

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Jo preferred lying at the moment-just to save her already ruined reputation in front of them. "Of course not", she said, shrugging her shoulders . He narrowed his eyes; she looked away before he could read her face further.

He climbed down the rest of stairs, and went in the kitchen. She went back to what she was doing, her mind still on what just happened. When she reached there, that slip was still lying on the floor; she pushed it in the small book she found it and sat down to clean the rest of the books. 

Who the hell was Phoebe?  And what was her letter doing here? Didn't Jungkook posted it?  Or was she all over him before he could do that? These thoughts filled her mind and her eyes moved blindingly around the room. She turned her face up, focusing on her breath: her personal Zen moment.

Just when she was ready to make a conclusion, she'd get a completely opposite information. Today when she was fighting with him, she wasn't ready to see another act of kindness by Mr. Playboy Jungkook- that too just a minute after that. And this time it was a live show too- she couldn't just dismiss it as a hoax. I really could have done well without seeing that. she thought. At least then I'd have a clear idea of what I should do.

Jungkook called her, pulling her out of the trance," And why the hell you didn't stand little bit aside? he said exasperatedly, his hands on his waist," The whole Parchmentown will know about you, now."

Just to irk him, she turned around, and asked him." Are you talking to me?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "No, the walls, John. I was talking to the walls. Cause talking to you made me lost few IQ points. "

She opened her mouth to give back a retort but Jimin interrupted, peeking through the kitchen door," What's your problem Jungkook? Why are you so worked up?" 

"Him. Always him." Jungkook said pointing at her." He keeps messing things up."

"I don't" Jo replied. "I didn't know anything. You should have told me before if it's such a big problem" She didn't knew about what instance she was talking about .Or was she refering to the general truth about her life, right now." And you could also have said something before opening the door."

Jimin came out of the kitchen and stood beside Jungkook," What are you even talking about? he asked.

On the sound of footsteps she looked up. Taehyung was coming down the stairs, with a towel around his neck. He was wiping his hair dry with one hand. Now she could see his hair had a sky blue colour. She liked this better even than the bright blue he earlier had.

"Nice colour, Taehyung." she said, smiling.

"Oh thanks, Jo." he said and blushed. "Don't mention this anymore." He returned the smile and walked where Jimin and Jungkook were standing, "What's up fam?" he said slipping his arms around their shoulders. "Why so serious?"

"Jungkook had some problem with John." Jimin said. "Again. They can't have peace even for one second." 

"Again?" Taehyung said exasperatedly. "Now what?"

"Peter came." Jungkook said impatiently "And he saw john standing, so now he will tell his dad. His dad will tell his Mom. And then the whole Parcmentown will know that he lives here." he said.

"Peter came?" Jimin and Taehung both said in unison. They seemed to hear only that part, gave  a tragic expression face. "Why didn't you tell us ? Jimin continued. "We could also have met him."

"Because," Jungkook said agitated " He made me mad before. He was again poking through my things.," He was again gesturing at her. She was starting to think of him as a kindergarten student, complaining about her to his teachers. "And you're clearly missing the point here."

"First of all, you could stop pointing at me." She had enough of him. "Everybody here know who are you talking about...and secondly why does it matter? Is it such a big problem?"

Jungkook furiously  opened his mouth to reply, but Taehyung interrupted, "Now, shut up before you two start again. We got front row seats for yesterday's show. We don't need another."

"Yeah, of course. And can we have try to relax for a bit?"  Jimin said, "You know, how about deep breaths? And having fun? And now I am thinking you should do something together. So you at least learn how to live together."

"Like what?" Jungkook said, putting his index on his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut," Like murdering each other?" At this both Jimin and Taehyung gave him a stern glace and he looked down, feeling guilty for one second. She felt weird satisfaction.

"Definietly not." she said-trying to revive her good impression; and an idea too was forming in her head."I could help you with something," she paused" I could help you with this new girl you're after."

The idea was that if in any way she could, in disguise of helping him, keep them away from each other-it could be done in no.of ways, telling Jungkook that Penny is like a disgusting old women or she has a secret boyfriend and is cheating on him- then the plan could work. It seem too far fetched, but she wanted to try something now. She was tired of being a witness -just standing on the sidelines .

Jungkook guffawed. "Yeah, sure why not? As if you had any girlfriend before...did you even talk to a girl before?" he said, mockingly.

"I-er-that's not the point." she flustered and Jungkook's smirk broadened at this," I just know that girl. And quite closely too. She's  strong minded. She's not gonna be easy."

"I very much enjoy a challenge, John. Thankyouverymuch ." he said "And believe me, if at any point I will need your help, then there will be something seriously wrong with me." 

She felt mildly hurt on hearing this-like a pin prick hurt-but still, she was surprised. This didn't happened before. What's happening with me, she thought

"So then why are you standing here, Mr Playboy?" Jimin asked. "Don't you have to go?"

"No. I am not going today." Jungkook replied, sitting on the couch.

"Why not?" Jimin asked,.

"Because, I want her to miss me." he said looking at his wrist watch "1-2 days will be enough."

"Miss you?" Taehyung joined." You never had to make any girl miss you before, did you?" Jo sniggered and Jungkook gave her a  cold stare." Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it is." Jungkook said, a little uncomfortably, "It's just my plan right now."

"Alright." Jimin said, with a small knowing smile. "If you say so."


Thank you for reading.

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