Chapter 7

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Maria and Penelope were still jumping around the room.So, they were serious about this ? Jo thought. She couldn't believe it. She tried not to puke as her stomach churned with anxiety.

"How we're gonna do this?" she asked. Her voice turned husky with anxiety.

"You don't have to worry about that. Leave that to me. It's my job." Aunt Fiona said. She looked at the clock,"So we can start tomorrow, right? You all three should rest. It's been quite a day for you".

"No, no. Do this now." Jo said "I want to get over with this. If we start tomorrow, I won't be able to sleep for even a second."

"Now? Are you sure about that? Cause I was thinking that you should instantly leave for Parchmentown after you get turned. So you don't have time to second guess."

"No, she's right. Do it today." Maria said, "Better now then tomorrow. And before Medusa does anything stupid with her voice."

"That's another thing to worry about.Oh my god, it really isn't getting any better, is it ?" Jo said.

"It will. Just not now." Aunt Fiona paused for a few seconds," Though, I wanna have dinner first. So I have more energy to do the magic, right ?"

"Yeah, then it will be easier to leave also." Jo said. Her chest felt heavy after saying this. She didn't realise she was this close to leaving.

"He lives in Parchmentown, right ? Do you know his address?" Maria asked.

"Yeah. Kind of. "Aunt Fiona replied. Jo looked at her with  furrowed brows." Even if it's wrong he will be popular there too." Aunt Fiona said.

"yeah.. sure." Jo said.

Penelope wrote something on the notepad and gave it to her.

What we'd tell mother? And what about me? I can't go back to Big Hit.

Jo read that aloud. "Now, what about mother? Be honest with her and tell her the truth?"

"No,I don't think so. Laura is a bit sensitive ,you know.She will not be able to handle this. And even if she did, she will not let you go to JK."

"But what if we send Penelope as Jo to the shop? Jo does sewing right? She doesn't need to speak much?" Maria said.

"Yeah, but Penny doesn't know sewing... and after few days Laura will figure that out. She's not that slow."Aunt Fiona paused "Maria, you go to the shop as Jo."

Maria looked up, bewildered, "But what about staying here, doing the research?"

"No, it's alright. You know magic, right. I can call you when I need you here. Laura isn't present the whole time and you can sew those clothes with spells-" Aunt Fiona said and added distastefully "-even it will be complete waste of magic." 

Maria looked like she wanted to argue.

"Okay, so enough discussion for now. I am hungry." said Aunt Fiona.

All three sisters went to cook dinner in the kitchen. Jo tried to etch these moments in her memory. God knew when they'd be together again. Or would they? She tried to stay positive. She told herself, Everything will be alright, I'll be fine.... But that one thought was not even standing for one second, before thousand imagined worst case scenarios'd sweep it off.

While they were having having, Jo observed everyone's face on the dining table. Aunt Fiona was enjoying her food. She seemed to forget that in few minutes, she'd have to turn Jo into a boy. Maria was lost in her thoughts, she was here, but not here. Body without a soul.( maybe ?) Penelope looked a little better, since earlier. Like she knew they had a chance. Like this would not end in flames. She tried her to think that. That this will get better.. but she couldn't. Not after she had to leave in few hours.Alone.

After they had dinner, Penelope washed the dishes. When everything was done, they gathered around the centre table. Jo took deep breaths, to calm her herself. Her hands were cold and sweaty (The irony) . Aunt Fiona got up and put one hand on her shoulder.

"Okay Jo, listen. you'll be alright. I am telling you. There's no need to worry about that. You just need to figure out Medura's magic. And how to get to her? Or just this, how to get JK's help? Don't move your eyes from that one ball". Jo nodded.

Aunt Fiona continued "And when I do magic, I don't know how you will feel. Everybody has a different reaction, alright? Even if you feel bad, don't worry. You are in safe hands. And also, I am sorry, but I can only give you 2 months. Max. Though in between we will have to renew it too, but after 2 months the magic will disappear completely."

"Will I have to come here to renew?"

"No you don't have to come here. I will send Maria in 2 weeks time. She will be able to do the renewing."

"Okay. Alright. Let' get down to business." Jo tried to sound cheerful.

She distanced herself from the table. Aunt Fiona stood just in front of her.

"I am starting, you know." Aunt Fiona said.

"Okayy. I am ready."

Aunt Fiona took out her wand and held it front of her face. Just as her lips moved there was loud crack and everything felts silent for Jo. A feeling was growing grew in her stomach, like something was tumbling and burning in her stomach ( Why everything happened in her stomach? She didn't knew) Like a big hot iron block. And it was stretching her, contracting her from inside. When she looked up, Maria and Penelope looked stunned. Aunt Fiona had her eyes closed. She was fully concentrated on her magic. Only her lips were moving. The whole room was shining with a golden red right. It was magical. Literally.

After few minutes the feeling stopped. And slowly she started hearing the sounds of the room. Aunt Fiona's body relaxed and she opened her eyes. Maria and Penelope both had their hands in front of their faces and their mouth was wide open. Some other day their expression'd be pure comical. But now, she understood the feeling.

'So, is it done?' Jo asked.

Aunt Fiona smiled."Well, it looks like it."

"Please don't tell me I have turned into a ugly duckling."

Maria cleared her throat. "Actually you haven't. You look should see it for yourself."

Immediately, Jo ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

Her hair was black. And her eyes have lost their almond shape and looked a bit smaller. Her eye colour was grey. Her jaw looked a bit wider. Suprisingly she looked lot like her father. Maybe magic just turned your genes.

When she went back, all three were still staring at her.

How does it feel ? Penelope wrote in her pad.

"Well, it feels quite the same."

Maria started giggling. And couldn't stop. When she took long enough break to come up for air, she said," So you got the you-know-what ?

Jo looked down at her pants, " Well, it feels like it". When she looked at their faces, they all broke in fits of giggle. Even Aunt Fiona was smiling. For just a minute it felt like they were back in their living room, laughing about something silly.

"Well enough for now, we got more important stuff than...this..." Aunt Fiona said.

Maria started laughing again.


My favourite parts are coming. Keep tuned.

Thank you for reading.

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