Chapter 14

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Jungkook was after a girl. And she was probably from market Piper. Oh My God.

Jo was having difficulty in digesting this prediction. She cleared her throat and asked. "Are you sure about this? Cause it can be about anything, really..Maybe he is just really happy today."

Jimin and Taehyung still had that serious expression. They seemed to be having a conversation  just with their eyes.

"No, Jo." Taehyung said." Every time he dates, it is always the same routine. We have memorised it till now. But he seems to have difficulty in getting it." 

Jo pulled out a chair and sat down. She wasn't trusting her legs right now. She didn't want to believe any of this. Just when she was close to solving one problem, life'd through a bigger one. 

"But she could be from anywhere, you know? Maybe he found a girl in Parchmentown?"

"Then he wouldn't waste his time in Market Piper."Jimin said." If what you said is true, then he'd be following her through the streets, and everyone here would know that." 

Taehyung raised one eyebrow, "But why are you so worried? Do you have, you know, any sisters there?"

Jo gulped," A few long distance cousins maybe."

"Look, I want to help you here" he said "If you get to know Jungkook is after any of your cousins,  come to me. I will stop him. I know what a disaster dating him can be."

Jo felt a bit relieved that somebody was there for her, though "disaster"might be a bit mild way of putting a situation of life and death.

Jo nodded. "So for how many days he courts them?"

"2-3 days, maybe. It depends you know. On the girl. How much she is already infatuated before she meets him, and on Jungkook too. Some girls, he likes them very much. But till now every affair was  well over in 1 week. Because he loses interest as soon the girl starts liking him back. And then the trouble starts for us."

"'s tragedy" Taehyung said and shuddered. "Do you remember the last time? It was the worst.."

"Yeah, so the last time, this girl Jane rang the bell at midnight," Jimin said."Her clothes were soiled. And she was weeping pretty badly. Of course Jungkook wasn't home. We had to take turns through the night to calm her down. It was unbearable. And in the morning, she developed crush on Taehyung and started flirting with him." Taehyung chuckled at this." It gets worse every time. We just don't want to go through this crap gain."

"But what I don't understand is," Taehyung said, "Why does every time this has to develop into a drama? Why can't the girl just shrugs this off and move on? But no, sometime her brother will come and break our door, sometimes her aunts will come with their rolling pins. But worst is always the girl. Just pray the she doesn't come here this time."

"Our Jungkookie is a real heart breaker, you know." Jimin said.

Jo felt indignant at this. Just two people, Jungkook and Medusa, if these two go away,the world will be in much better place, she thought.

"But why don't you leave him? If he's not gonna change why you have to go through all this?"

"We can't" Taehyung replied, "We can't leave him. He wasn't like that always. He was innocent...and happy .And we have hope that he will be the same again."

"What do you mean ? Why did he change?"

They again exchanged those grave glances. She got the idea that she wasn't getting the whole story. But she didn't have the courage to ask for more, yet.

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