Chapter 3

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She shook her head, trying to focus her mind back on important matters.

Enough of this, there are more important matters right now, she thought.

As she walked ahead, big buildings soon replaced the street shops. It was a striking view. Most buildings had glass tiles on their walls. Afternoon sun reflected on them, making them dazzle. There had to be some magic, for the sun never glared at your eyes. There was a colourful ambience  around them.

At the right corner of the street, she saw a board with "BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT" written on it. She felt relieved at the thought of meeting Penelope. I hope she's safe, she thought.

She entered the main gate. Two guards were standing at the glass doors.

"Yes miss?" one guard asked.

"I want to meet my sister."

"I am afraid we can't let you in. Only trainees and employees are allowed inside."

"Can you call her outside? Please? It will only take few minutes. It's urgent."

"Alright. But hurry up. New trainees already have a lot of lessons. And if she's busy you have come at another time." the other guard said as he went inside.

She went and sat down on a bench in the garden. A tree's shadow protected her face from the afternoon sun. And then she waited. Her heartbeat had slowed a bit from earlier, but still it was faster as she was in new surroundings and totally out of her element. She looked at her basket. Her stomach growled. She didn't had a good breakfast from all the anxiety in the morning.

"JO!" a familiar voice called. Jo turned her head and found Penelope running towards her.

"Penny!" even her voice was smiling. They hugged each other tightly.

"What are you doing here? I thought it would be Maria."

"No it was me. I wanted to see you- to see how you're doing."

"Well, I am doing great."

Jo really looked at her, at her smiling face, at her glowing cheeks. She really seemed to be doing great. She even looked more beautiful than ever. Were they putting make up on her face?

"But you don't look so great. God look at you. What happened to you?" Penelope asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You look like an old woman, wearing all these pale colours. Mom is really making  you do all the hard work." Penelope always had a habit of being painfully honest. Jo felt happy that she didn't changed a bit.

"No, she is taking care of me well. I was just worried about you."

"Worried about me? Why?"

"Well, for first, you didn't even write a letter in one and a half month."

"I am sorry. I was just so busy. This training is so hard. Just as I eat my dinner. I want to sleep like a rock. And  they are also teaching us dance, do you  know that?

"No. I didn't know that. I just found out now. And for second , what's up with you and wizard JK?"

"Oh, so you heard about that." Penelope rolled her eyes. " These people really know how to make  a mountain out of a molehill."

"You didn't meet him?"

"No I did. But it wasn't  like that. He was very nice. And funny. And charming. But he wasn't flirting. We just had an amazing conversation."

"Penelope, you know he's a playboy right? And a wizard? God only knows what magic he's do on you. You just stay away from him, alright? Remember how afraid were you of him."

"When I didn't know him."

"Oh, so from one meeting you know all about him."

"Two meetings."

"Two meetings?!! Are you kidding me?!" Jo felt flabbergasted "That's why I am telling you to stay away from him."

"Alright, mom. I will do it." said Penelope and rolled her eyes.

Jo felt relieved. But not really. This can't be this easy, she thought.

"Okay .Fine. Enough of this lecturing. Do you want to go out?"

"Don't you have classes?"

"Well in few minutes, it will be lunch time. So we can go outside and eat."

"And who's gonna pay for it?"

"Of course you will." Penelope said. Jo felt a smile on her face.


Soon they reached the restaurents and the street food corner. Only a few feets away, Jo had met that man. She wanted to tell about him to Penelope,  but she was so excited telling her about the training that she didn't want to interrupt.

As they walked, Jo can't help but notice all the admiring glances of the boys, and the threatened and jealous glances of the girls. Penelope was a dismay for the women.

They ate their food while laughing and talking, and twenty minutes flew just like that. Jo felt so happy and full. And then it was time to take Penelope back.

They started walking back. Penelope took her from some new path. It was a bit dark and had a backside of shops on both sides .If it was evening Jo'd felt threatened, walking all alone. Just  she was taking all this,  their path was blocked by a big cart. It was pink in colour and had a turrett on the top. It was being carried by some slimy black beings, holding it from four sides. They looked weird and lifeless.

Jo felt irritated. It was a small path. And they were already late.

"Excuse me, would you just stand aside? You are on our way." Jo said.

"Oh am I , or are you?" a lady's voice boomed from inside.

"From the looks of it, you are. We were first here." Penelope said.

"THEN YOU'RE WRONG!!" the lady inside, yelled.

Then the curtains opened up. A big woman came out. She was a fashionable woman dressed in dark green gown. She had a crown on her head, with lots of snakes, all slithering and alive. If somebody else had worn it, it would be downright dangerous and laughable, but she was managing it well. Jo felt uneasy. The whole atmosphere turned sullen. 

"What do you want?" she asked.

"What do I want?!!" The woman gave a boisterous laugh. "I want nothing from you, pathetic girls. But it seemed you had some confusion." she said looking at Penelope.

"You did the treachery of crossing my path." Her eyes flashed anger. "But now you have to pay the price." she said with a dangerous smile on her face ."Now you will suffer."

She help up her hand with a sparkling ring on it, and said some inaudible words. Then she flew straight through Penelope as if she was made of thin air.

There was  a swishing noise.And a some mist flew up Penelope's head.

"I stole what was most precious to you. So everybody learns the lesson that whoever dares to cross Medura's path will suffer the most painful life."

Penelope tried to speak but no voice came out. Jo was appalled. She felt all the Penelope's future crashing down.

Then Medura sat inside the cart, and went as fast as she came.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another chapter completed.

Now the story took an interesting turn.

Thank you for reading.

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