Chapter 17

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Jo couldn't help being curious .She followed Jimin and found him peering through the peephole on the door. Only when he was satisfied he opened it. 

"Hey! Rebecca! How are you doing?" he said cheerfully.

She couldn't see the face due to the position of the door but whoever it was, was holding a baby. There was some nervous laughter, and then a very soft, feminine voice spoke.

"I am fine, Jimin. How about you?"

"I am great too. Where have you been for so many days? Why didn't you visit us?"

"I was-I was busy." Her voice sounded nervous. Jimin nodded symphatetically.

Someone tapped her shoulder. When she turned her head, Taehyung raised his eyebrows, as if to ask her who it was.

"I don't know." she whispered."A women named Rebecca, maybe? On hearing this he instantly walked to the door  and opened it a bit wider,"Rebecca! Hey!" he said. It's so nice to see you again. Now that Jo could see her face, she was a young and pretty, dressed in a very old looking gown. Her forehead was lined with worry, and she could feel sadness radiating from her. Her eyes were shifty as if she wan't sure whether she should be standing here. 

"So is it ready?" she asked.

"Of course," Jimin said." And pulled out that pouch and the purple paste. "Jungkook made this in the morning only. He totally forgot about this the whole week." 

Taehyung stretched his arms to ask for the baby, and the woman gave him willingly. He then started poking his nose with the babies nose, and making funny faces. The baby started smiling. When he started tickling, the baby laughed with glee. It was adorable. She turned her attention to Jimin before her insides could turn into a mush.

 "How do you use it?" she asked.

"It's pretty simple, you know. Before the day you want it, put it beneath your pillows. and you'd be ready for the day.'

"Alright. But it doesn't have any side effects, right?"

"Not really. But if you use it too much, you mind can be in frenzy and you may have trouble sleeping."

"Okay. "She looked down and was silent for few seconds. When she looked up, her eyes were filled with tears. "I don't-I don't how to thank you enough for this. I want to pay you so bad, but I haven't got any money." 

"Then don't. Don't pay for it, alright?"Jimin said, and took one of her hands in his hands. "Just work on your business. That'd be enough for us."

'But won't Jungkook get mad?" 

Jo huffed. Who cares about Jungkook ? she thought and rolled her eyes.

"Of course he won't. He does get angry sometimes, but he will never get angry on you."

She nodded, and some of her tears leaked.

"But remember one thing," Jimin said. "That whatever ideas you get, even the bad ones, right them down; and test them out okay? You won't know which one will work."

"I will." she said with conviction, and her body gained a little strength."Thank you, you know. I'll always be grateful to you guys."

"It's alright, Rebecca," Taehyung said," You are happy, we are happy. Okay? Now will you smile?Once?"

She did. It was beautiful even though a little worn out.

"Okay, then" Jimin said. "All the best and don't forget us when you get successful." he grinned and winked at her.

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