Chapter 22

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In the next week that passed the impossible happened: Jungkook was not able to woo Penelope-the only extraordinary thing that happened this week. But it gathered the attention of almost everybody. In every discussion this was mentioned at least twice, whether it was between, Jimin and Taehyung, or even the local discusions  in market Piper. Everybody was utterly flabbergasted.

Jo never felt more proud of sisters. She wanted to hug them so bad. One sister was trying the fight the most evil witch and another sister had successfully resisted the charms of most successful playboy. Even Jungkook's trick of not meeting her for few days, failed. 

But this brought a problem with it too. Now the girls living around aunt Fiona's house were inviting Penelope for some evening tea, after their parents had gone outside (nobody wanted to see their daughter with Jungkook). All of them wanted to know what was making him stick to her for so long; what special tricks or magic she had. But answer was pretty simple- just don't fall for him, and he won't stop pursuing you.

Penelope was refusing them all, making her quite unpopular around her. Cause if the news about her curse gets outside, in no time it will reach Valera, to their mother. News of Jungkook  was bad enough, but Maria was there to handle that. If things get too far she'd just evaporate her mother's memory.

Still everybody wasn't sharing Jo's enthusiasm . Taehyung and Jimin looked simultaneously anxious and excited. Whenever Jungkook passed them, they started discussing in hushed voices. She tried to join them, but they stopped as soon as she got too close. Though one time she heard them talking about visiting market Piper in disguise, to see who this new girl was, and how was she capable of this- which was fine by her, only if they don't get too close to her.

Jungkook was the worst hit. He was visibly shaken by this. He tried not to show this in front of her but she knew. He was even going to sleep at night in his bedroom, looking worried and frazzled. Few days ago, when she was coming out of the bathroom, and she heard him talking to Taehyung. She tip toed to the side of the wall, and tried to listen.

" This looks good, right?" Jungkook said anxiously, "God, it does look loose here, doesn't iy?"

"Jesus Christ Jungkook," Taehyung said exasperatedly " You are giving me a heart attack. Yes, it looks good. How many times do I have to tell  you?"

"I don't know. It just feels too weird. Should I change it? Okay! Fine fine, leave it ! What about my hair? I used a hair spell. Do they look more shiny?"

"Jungkook!" Taehyung said with a tone of finality. "It's enough. You are looking amazing. Even better than before. Now will you just let this go and leave. God, this girl will make you crazy."

Which was true, Jungkook was going crazy. He was putting even more effort in dressing up. His popularity among girls was reaching a new fever pitch ( proabaly'd help him in his next relationship) .If he passed any shiny surface, he'd check his reflection at least thrice. Some moments she couldn't believe that this person was the same who made such a grand entrance on her first day.

There was pause for few seconds then Jungkook spoke again.

"I don't know," he said weakly, "Sometimes I feel- I feel she doesn't even like to see me. For first few days, it was okay. We were great- had chemistry and all. But now she's is so distant . She'd just give a small smile on my jokes . And is so quite. And always the first one to end our meetings " He paused again," I-I just don't know what to expect anymore..."

First time ever, she felt pity rising in her stomach. On one hand she had her sister's life and on other hand Jungkook's self absorbed feelings. She shook her head, Focus Jo, Focus. He is not someone to feel pity about, she thought, This is a good thing. He'd now stay away from Penny.

"Hey," Taehyung's said softly," You got this, you know? And if you need any help, we're here for you. And remember, this is just one girl. You had hundreds before her, and in future will proabaly have more." Though he said the last sentence distastefully.

She didn't like the direction in which conversation was heading. She decided to enter then.  She walked in and.Jungkook saw her coming. He immediately stood up,and squared his shoulders.

"All right, hyung." He said, trying to make his voice bold, "I will do what you told me. You don't have to worry".

Jo laughed, before she could stop herself.

"You're really something, Jungkook" she said.

He raised one eyebrow, " What are you talking about ?"

"It's just, what you did now.." she said. When he kept staring at her-  confused- she added, "One moment you're so weak and next moment you act so strong."

"Yes, of course. Why not ? You were listening to us, right? Why I am not surprised anymore. Servants are always so nosy."

She stood silent. She wanted to something back but he had enough troubles right now. 

And then after few minutes, he went to market Piper.

Nothing much happened rest of the week. Mostly she was alone in the house. Jimin and Taehyung both went outside, and when they didn't they stayed locked up in their rooms. When they were down they always look rushed about something.  When she asked them what was the matter, they didn't replied. 

There was not a single word from Aunt Fiona - even after 7 days. They seemed to have forgotten about her existence here. She couldn't help but feel angry at them. Didn't they knew that she'd be feeling lonely, would like at least one letter from them- even just about asking her about how she was. 

In such moments- her deepest insecurities- that in some way she was a burden to people around her, or maybe they didn't just like her- surfaced, making her feel even more depressed. On one hand she knew, that maybe they were just too busy, but when these thoughts came, she couldn't help churning on them. Apart from the few seconds of relief  from the news of Penny and Jungkook, for the rest of the week her mood was low.

And now the 2 month deadline was looking awfully close too. Whenever she passed a calender, she felt distressed. How'd she do so much in the rest of the time, when she didn't do anything in 1 week. Maybe this comes with being the eldest, she thought, That you'd always fail on your mission; and make your sister suffer.

Right now , she was  just sitting on the dining table, with her forehead on the table. She had cleaned the dishes of the breakfast,and Jimin and Taehyung went in their rooms. Her body felt so lethargic, that she just wanted to lay on her bed the whole day. She heard scraping of the chair. She looked up and Jimin was sitting on the chair in front of her. He gave her a small smile.

"So what's up? What's happening?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing much."

"Then why do you have such droopy eyes? Of course something is happening. " he asked tilting his head. She again shrugged and stayed silent. " Did you break up with your girlfriend?"

She gave him a weak smile," How many times I have to tell you, that I have no girlfriend ?"

"Of course you have. I don't beleive it." he said animatedly, " Any girl would love to date you." 

She felt uncomfortable on his sudden niceness.

"You don't have to do this, you know." she said.

"Do what?"

"Make me happy."

"I am sorry." he said and stopped smiling. "I thought maybe you wanna talk about it." And then he looked down. At that moment he looked so small and disappointed, that she felt guilty of the way she was treating him. So piss poorly, and distantly.

"No, it's fine. It's okay." she said shaking her head." It's nothing. It was- just something about home...." she said.

"What about it?"

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