Chapter 23

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The shops ahead were in full swing- completely indifferent to Jungkook and his suffering. Two  girls walked in front of him, laughing hard on some joke. But he too was oblivious to all this- lost in his own world, drowning in the emptiness he felt in his chest.

If he had been standing here a year earlier, there'd still be throngs of girls, squealing and shouting his name. But in the last few months, BTS's popularity has taken a serious downfall. Now apart from few girls, who want his autograph as he'd be walking down the streets, nobody was really bothered. And it didn't come as a surprise . When headlines in the newspapers would keep shouting about the new evidence they got of BTS never coming back, after some time their fans would believe that. And that's what happened. 

Also who'd want to come back again and again when he was so quick to brush them of. But he couldn't help it. Every time they asked the same question, when they'be coming back? And he didn't had the courage to see the heartbreak in their eyes when he'd say they haven't thought about it, or worst from the way things look like, possibly never.  

But he wasn't least concerned about this right now. What really kept eating him inside, was how Penelope purposefully glazed her eyes over him, deliberately acting that she hadn't seen him, turning around, and walking in the opposite direction. 

They had planned to meet again today where they had met for the last seven days, at Rachel's kitchen. It was latest opened bakery shop, selling beautiful handmade cakes and pies.  He planned that he'd buy their most popular strawberry sweetheart cake and have that serious "What are we?" talk. He smiled ruefully as he remembered how always it was the other girls who initiated this conversation. And how he would slither out in the million ways he had learned over time. But today it seemed time had reversed.

He took a deep breath and turned around. The guard sitting at the gates, grinned at him. But Jungkook just gave him a solemn nod-he didn't had the energy for all the pleasantries. Walking a few steps he tapped his wand in a code over the side wall, and there was light swish of wind as the invisible wall opened. He walked inside, the heels of his shoes clicking on the white marble floor. He turned to take the lift when a voice called from behind.

"Mr.Jungkook! Mr Jungkook!"

Begrudgingly, he turned around and found the receptionist, Ms Swift running towards him in her characteristic black skirt and white shirt. When she stopped 2 feets away from him, her face was flushed and she was repeatedly trying to tame her hair, making it even more messier.

"Yes Ms Swift?" he asked in his best efforts to be polite.

Her face flushed further red, and she stammered "Umm-huh-yes. Mr Jungkook. I heard-I heard you had some problems with the lift?"

Any reason to talk with me, huh? Jungkook thought.

"Yes I did," he said" But I think it was  2 weeks ago. And we solved it".

"Oh!", she said. There was few seconds of awkward silence when nobody knew what was the purpose of this conversation.

"Yes and  another thing too." she said, "You had some letters in the letterbox. I have them with me."

"Oh yeah.. about that-", he said."Just keep them with you,okay? I will come soon. Maybe today. Or even tomorrow? Is it okay?"

"Yes su-sure Mr Jungkook why not?" she said and then stared at him with blind adoration etched on her face. If it had been some other day he would have enjoyed the  attention, but today he wasn't in the mood to enjoy anything.

"Okay then. See you Ms Smith." he said turning around.

"Good bye. Mr Jungkook."  she called from behind him." Have a good day."

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