Chapter 5

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So what-what do we do now ?

Five words that were echoing in the pin drop silence. For few minutes ,it looked like everyone has forgotten how to speak. If someone broke in the house just now, they'd found four live statues.

After what it felt like eternity, Aunt Fiona took a deep breath and said," Hmm... what do we do now.....Well I don't know."

Jo's head snapped up, "What do you mean you don't know?". Her voice was raised.

"It means that I have no clue." she said flatly.

Jo felt agitated. "Yeah, That's what I am asking. Why you don't know? " She tried to ignore that she's talking to 106 year old witch who had Maria's entire future in her hands . 

She wanted to say Aren't you the like best magical teacher? Haven't you taught some of the best wizards? How come you have no idea?

Aunt Fiona pinched her head like she was having a headache. Or like Jo was being too difficult right now.

She looked at Penelope's eyes, they looked so anxious. She just wanted hug her and tell her it's all gonna be okay. Maria eyes was spinning back and forth between them as if they were playing catch.

"This is very difficult to explain." Aunt Fiona said "Let me explain, in the simplest possible way. See, Medura's magic is very different from us. She isn't fully alive. She's like a half dead person. So her magic is dark, black magic. It is quite complicated and ugly. So far whoever I have seen learning it or doing it, hasn't used it with the best of intentions. It's power pollutes anyone's mind who uses it.  That's why I didn't learned it. But it can be used for good purpose, except we will be expecting this from her."

Jo felt deflated. Her shoulders crouched down. She wanted to forget all this so badly, and get back to her living room. Right now, her boring job felt like a dream come true.

"So there is no way ? You yourself said that anything is possible to handle if you pay enough attention it." Maria asked.

"I am not saying  it is impossible. I am just saying  it's  difficult. And I can't think of any way right now. But what I don't understand is why she did this?" Aunt Fiona turned to Penelope." Did you meet her anytime, or probably tried tp cast some secret spells on her? You know, just for fun?"

Penelope eyes widened in surprise and she shook her head. 

"No, Penelope isn't like that. And how she would meet her, unless Medura likes strolling the streets in the evening. But then we would have seen more lost voices or..." Maria stopped talking when she saw Penelope flinch at this.

"Then why she did this?" Aunt Fiona looked at Jo" What she said?"

She tried to recall "She said" You did the treachery of crossing my path "?"

"Crossing her path? So she wants to be a magical idol now?" Maria said.

Aunt Fiona chuckled.

"I don't think so. Matter is something else."

"But how's it anyway related to Penelope getting her voice back ?" Jo asked.

"Maybe if we could get her what she wants, and then maybe...." Aunt Fiona suggested.

"So we would strike a deal with that stupid..." Jo just stopped her from saying bitch "..idiot. That's what we'd do?  Trust her?"

"And I heard she likes to dominate people. Keep them her servants." Maria added.

Penelope poked Jo with her shoulders.

"What? Do you wanna say something ? Oh! She wants to say something .Give her a pen and paper."

 Maria brought a notepad. After few moments Penelope gave back Jo the notepad.

"This wouldn't have happened if we haven't gone from that way." 

"Yes, and this wouldn't too have happened if I haven't come that day. Or those customers didn't feel like buying dresses that day or the moral obligation to tell us. Or maybe if we didn't send you to Big Hit?" She stopped herself from adding or if Medura was completely dead? Too much bravery now, will be pure silliness. "And do you really think, she'd have left you alone ? She'd have come some other day when you had no help."

Penelope started crying at this again. Jo got up to stand by the window, to get some fresh air and to think clearly.

"Penelope please stop blaming yourself, what is done is done. We can't go back here." Maria said.

"And I heard someone say, "When life gives you lemons, make them into lemonade ." Aunt Fiona joked.

"Aunt Fiona you'd be a doing great favour to us if instead of lemons you'd refer to this as a freaking pumpkin or maybe a good ass tree." If Laura was here she'd have Jo to mind her language.

"Ahhha, already such a defeating attitude?"

"Yeah, cause we don't have a freaking clue." Jo was exasperated.

"But you just came like 30 minutes ago? What do you think will happen in half and hour?"

"Aunt Fiona, you don't- don't  understand what we're going through."

Aunt Fiona looked her dead in the eye.

"That's the fucking problem with young people.You think everybody's life is fantastic, except yours.Well, if you open your eyes you'd see that everyone is going through struggles too."

Then Jo remembered what Laura told her about Aunt Fiona .That she had twins when she was young. And they both died .Her husband too died, like 25 years ago. But she's still happy as ever. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad if she was with them.

"I am sorry." Jo sat back on the couch. "I just feel so tired right now." She looked up at the ceiling and  tried to calm down.

"But what's the solution ?Can't you do anything?" Maria asked looking at Aunt Fiona.

"No. I can't.I don't know how. " Aunt Fiona said. After a few moments she added, "But I think I have a student who can."

All three heads snapped up, to look at her face.

"What do you mean ? Who is he?" Maria's voice was all hopeful.

"Wizard Jungkook."

"Wizard Jungkook as in wizard JK?"

"Yeah." she nodded. "That's his full name."

Their bodies slouched again, Jo felt that she had got enough disappoinments to last a lifetime.

"So you taught him? And he knows dark magic?"Jo asked. She wanted to add Can't you have said anybody else ?

"Yeah. I did. He was so precocious and hardworking." Aunt Fiona smiled as if reminiscing some of the best moments . "A teacher rarely has an opportunity to teach such a student.' She added, "I don't know where he learned dark magic from, but it was after he graduated from here. "

"But he misuses the magic that you taught." Maria complained.

"Yeah I know. He got a change of heart, but he wasn't like that when he was with me."

'And why he'd help us ?"

"He'd definitely help his lover." Aunt Fiona replied.

Maria understood. "So you'r talking..that we use...Penelope to seduce him?"

At this Penelope shook her head furiously.

"Nope. Nobody's seducing a wizard." Jo declared.

"Hahaha.. I was joking. I wanted to see your expressions."

Jo felt relieved. It was the worst solution she could imagine.

But why and how would he help us?



And please keep thinking why would wizard JK'd want to help them. If you want to, I mean.

Also this book could be serial disappointment for someone who's expecting straight romance scenes. I understand the struggle.

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