Chapter 8

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They were preparing to leave  the house. They were planning to go back to Valera,  pack their things and then Jo would set for Parchmentown. Maria and Penelope would comeback here. Maria had to go back again tomorrow after she had turned into Jo.

That was the plan till now.

Jo was still standing in her old clothes. It looked funny, like she'd participating in drama or something.

With one swish oh her hand Aunt Fiona changed her into a loose t-shirt and shorts . Now, she looked like a homeless person.

"Can't this be any better?" Jo said pointing at her clothes.

"Not if we want our plan to be succeed. Now, everybody listen up,  Jo'd go to Jungkook as a servant, as a cleaning boy. Jo, what you've learned till now, will help you here. All the cleaning ,sewing and gardening."

"What if he doesn't need it ?" Maria asked.

"Most probably he will." All three faces  looked at her doubtfully. "C'mon he's a teenage boy what do you expect ? And he will definitely not reject a 3 in 1 servant working at a minimum wage? But even he does, which is most unlikely ,I have a backup plan."

Aunt Fiona took out a paper and gave it to Jo. It was a note. Jo read that aloud.

""Jungkookie," Jungkookie, seriously?" Jo said.

"Well, you don't have to call him Jungkookie, he's my student."

Jo shook her head like she can't deal with this  now.

"You must be surprised to hear fro me after such a long time. I was when I started writing this letter. But I knew I just had to it. You remember the night when we went in the catacombs, and a violent spirit took hold of me? You were just 15 when you performed the spell that might have killed you. And I promised you that I will give you a gift, when you most need it. Well, then the time has come. I am sending you the gift ,my servant. Don't underestimate him. He has served me 2 years, and haven't disappointed for one single day. I never had anyone like him but I had a feeling, that you need him more than me, so I had to give it you. Don't say no. And keep visiting your old teacher. She loves to see your face.

With lots of love, Fiona Finch."

"When did this happened?" Jo asked.

"It didn't."

"Then why are you writing this?"

"See, this will be our last resort, I will spell it Believe it or not, and then he will get convinced. Anybody will get convinced by reading that."

"But why can't I just give it at first? Without spinning so many lies?"

"Because there's a risk that he can find out. See, he's a powerful magician. If somebody from the street, or even you or Maria were there, I'd have spelled it and everything'd be easy. But there's a chance he can sense it. And I don't wanna destroy our plan before we even started. Now give me that."

Jo gave back the note. Aunt Fiona tapped it two times with her wand. For few moments, it glowed light blue. And then it went back to normal. When Jo read it gain, sure enough she had no doubt about what was written. She felt  as if she was the witness there.

"Now, I am also giving you this." Aunt Fiona had a locket in her hands. It was a red pentagon locket. It was small, but when Jo held it, it was heavy. She looked at it closely  saw a small "F" engrossed on it.

"What's this for?"

"This is for your safety. No on will able to touch without your permission. And we will also know when something happens."

Adventures of Bangtan: The Heartbreak Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें