Chapter 25

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Jo woke up feeling troubled the next morning. The whole night she had slept fitfully. What Taehyung told her yesterday was still running on her mind and Medura didn't left her dreams either.

 When she woke up, and sat on her bed reflecting on what all has happened till now, a sudden flash of realisation happened and it went as fast it came. She couldn't pinpoint on exactly what it was but her instincts told her if she wasn't careful, future could be difficult.

Unsettled, she got up from the bed. Thankfully the curtains were already opened. She stood by the window, sleepily viewing the outside for few seconds. She rubbed her eyes to wipe away the sleep. When she turned around, it took little time to recognise the black shape on the dining chair. As it got more clearer she saw Taehyung was sleeping on the dining table's chair, his face falling back and his mouth wide open. She walked closer, and found all the colour was drained from his face, and he looked rather ill.

She rushed to him,  "Taehyung, are you okay?" she whispered, afraid that she'd disturb him. She immediately realised the foolishness of the question when he didn't answered. No, he was not okay. He looked like he was in another world.

Jungkook came from the kitchen with a steaming frying pan in his hand. "Of course he's not." he said "Any person who drinks that much would obviously be not."

 She felt relieved and pulled out the chair beside Taehyung and sat down. For a second she thought somebody had cursed him too.

"Taehyung-ah!" Jungkook shouted. "Taehyung-ah! Wake up!"

Taehyung drowsily opened his eyes. He lifted his head from back of the chair with much difficulty. When he was close to upright, he couldn't balance his head and it landed with a thud, on the table.

Ouch! Jo thought. That must've hurt.

"This guy-" mumbled Jungkook  and walked to him, pulling him up on the chair. "Hey! Taehyung! Get up! "he lightly tapped him on his cheeks. "C'mon wake up, I have made soup for you," he said "Drink this, before it gets cold. You'll feel better. Come on..."

But inspite of all these efforts, Taehyung didn't open his eyes. Jungkook sighed and pulled out a spoon full of soup from the pan, and pushed it in Taehyung's mouth. Just after few sips, some colour returned in his face, and his eyes opened a little wide. Jo smelled a nasty smell emanating on her side. She turned her head to find a bucket. She looked inside and-

Oh dear god she whispered, as her hands flew to her nose. It was vomit. It seemed Jungkook noticed this now too. He scrunched his nose, snapped his fingers and the bucket was clean and  empty.

 Wow Jo thought Wizards don't have to deal with lot of unpleasent things.

She looked up to find Jimin climbing down the stairs. He was swaying a bit and his face looked  splotchy and swollen too but he was still in a better position than Taehyung. He reached down, and there was uncomfortable silence as Jungkook and Jimin both looked anywhere but at each other.

After a uncomfortable minute- Jo didn't know what happened- Jungkook dropped the cloth he was holding, rushed towards Jimin and hugged him tightly. Instantly Jimin opened his arms and hugged back. Jo watched this with open mouth as Taehyung busily slurped his soup, without giving any attention to them.

"I am sorry." Jungkook mumbled, "I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay, Jungkook. We know you're having a hard time."

"NO! No! it's not okay. I shouldn't have said that. I-I feel so bad."

"Jungkook, it's okay, alright? Don't beat yourself up. We've forgiven you."

Adventures of Bangtan: The Heartbreak PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora