Chapter 9

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She walked and walked and walked. Valera was a town with small population, so all the houses and places were far way. There was a lot of physical exercise done a daily basis just to walk to the school, just to walk to your neighbour. She was coming at the end this long straight road. She took a right and finally she saw a small thatched roof. From outside it looked like a small house. When she came close, there was sign BUS STOP written on it. It was hanging from just two sides. Walking below it seemed a risky, if it falls it'd be very painful . 

She went through a small wooden revolving door. It was semi dark inside, though all the lights were lit. When she looked at her right, a lady was sitting on a bench, with a child sleeping on her lap. They looked  like they were waiting for someone. Any other time she's asked them if they needed any help cause it was dark and lonely for anyone to be here, but right now she focused on her problems; she was already late.

She went ahead to stand in front of a small room; it had small open window. She looked inside and nobody was there. Where are people when you most need them? She was bouncing on her toes when she heard a coughing noise. A man walked in the room and wiped his hand in a towel. When he saw her standing he asked,

"Now, where do you wanna go ?

"Umm I wanna go to Parchmentown." Her voice sounded  a bit lady like. She made it a pitch bolder." Can it be as early as  possible?"

"Now, you're coming at 11? Which bus do you think will leave at 11? Come in the morning. At 4. It's the earliest."

"No bus till 4? What will I do the whole night?" 

"Well I don't know. It was not my plan." he paused for few moments " you can stay here or at my house. It's nearby."

If she hadn't turned into a boy  she'd be deadly scared now. 

"No thank you sir. Is there not any bus, which goes even remotely close to Parchmentown? Like maybe I can change buses in between?" 

"No. There's not a single one. It's through the mountain, Mister. It's a lonely way, so there's just one."

"So there's  no other transport? No other way?"

"Well,there is. You have to cross the mountain. By walking. And that can take whole night. So it's better if you leave in the morning. "

She sighed. Why not anything is going right today? she thought.

"So that's it then ? Only one way? I have to walk?"

"Yup." the man replied.

She thought about it. To leave in the morning. But then she'd have no place to say. She might stay at this man's house. But her nerves were on edge from the afternoon. She wouldn't feel safe or peaceful enough to sleep.

"So, okay then. I will walk ". She started to turn back.

"Are you sure? The offer still stands you know." 

"No thank you sir. It was great. But I have to go.Have a good night sir."

"Sure, boy. Have a good night to you too."

She walked out and started walking towards the back side of the station.There were tall trees around her. In front of her a  straight road was into a tunnel. The tunnel was pitch dark. On her left she saw small winding path climbing up the mountain, she started walking.


The wind was cold up here. There was still slight chill in the air, even in 1 month it's be full fledged summers. Her slippers were flapping against the grass making slippery noised due to dew on the grass. She put her backpack across her chest, to protect herself from cold. Her legs were soar from all the walking; she wanted to rest so bad.  But still there was a slight thrum of energy, as if her body has picked up her mental state. It knew this was not the time to rest. She walked on.


Two hours passed. She knew she was coming on the top of the mountain. She could see the city sprawling in front of her. It was sight to behold. All the buildings were twinkling in the night . The city literally never slept. The streetlights, the road lights all gave it a look of maize of lights. She stopped to took breath. She put her hands on her knees to stop breathing so heavily. 

As she was thinking of resuming the walk, she saw lights coming from behind her. She turned back and there was a cycle coming behind her. When she looked carefully it had a cart behind her. She waved frantically, maybe they will help.

The cycle stopped in front her. The driver was a middle aged man.

"Ohh.. glad to see you stranger, there." the man said.

She didn't feel ready for this cheeriness at 1 in the morning.

"Glad to see you too sir." Her voice was breaking by breathing so heavily. "Could you me to get to Parcmentown? I could sit at the..." but then she looked and saw the whole cart filled with boxes.

"I don't think there's any space. But you have reached more than halfway you know, you could ahead too. And why are you getting tired? You're a man you know? A young man?  You know when I was your age I could cross this mountain two times in half the time. Don't get tired now. It's nearby." He looked ahead for a few moments "So see you there champ. Good bye and good night."

And the cycle went on.

For one second she just stood silently, trying to find some sense in the free motivational speech this man just gave to her. She found nothing .She wanted to ask, Don't you get tired? And if yes, do you still keep trudging on?

People got be more understanding. And patient. She thought.

The path started going downhill. This'd be little better, she thought

 She was staring to appreciate wizard JK; his commitment. To wake up (most) mornings and come here. To have daily schedule according to the bus's schedule. It was dedication. Even when there was no valid reason for him to come here. But then she rememberd, he had magic. She huffed.


At last she took her final step. She had finally reached the end. She looked back and found the whole mountain standing in front of her. Some other way she'd have found impossible to cross the mountain. She'd have made thousand excuses.. but everything about today was different. She had finally crossed the mountain. And she was dead tired. But this was not the place to sleep. In front of her she saw a road going straight into the city. It had  streetlights, every few meters. She started walking.


Thanks for reading.

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