Chapter VI

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"Dongpyo Protection Squad"

This chapter may seem a little bit on crack but I swear it'll all make sense later

"Are you feeling better?" Seungwoo asks
Pyo nods. He still not sure if he can trust Seungwoo.
Are you the real Seungwoo, please he thought looking up at him.

"How did you do that?" Seungwoo asks shockingly. Pyo gives him a confused expression. What are you talking about he thought again. "How are you in my head!"
"Only Wooseok has that type of power."

Wait he can hear me?

Pyo looks back up to Seungwoo still talking to himself trying to process what's happening.

Well he didn't hear that..hmm lemme try this

Seungwoo Hyung

Seungwoo jumped and looked at Pyo. Both of their eyes widened as they discovered another new power.


"Why are we in the gym no one is here?" Yohan asks. "It's perfect because I can do this" Seungyoun says tapping his phone.

Just as soon as he finishes the gym turns into an island surrounded by water.


Seungyoun chuckles, "My father donated money to school for high tech stuff like this, the power simulator"

"Gosh you're loaded"

"Alright lets begin, let's start with something basic" Seungyoun says. The sand from the island begins to form into a golem.

"Throw a basic water ball"

Yohan closed his eyes and began to raise his arms to the top of his head. Behind him held a giant ball of water. He tossed it towards the golem instantly destroying it as getting Suengyoun wet.


"What do you mean, that was basic"

Two idiots aren't going cut it.

The doors open revealing the bad bih Wooseok tapping on his phone.

"WOOSEOK NO" Seungyoun and Yohan yell turning there heads towards him.

"What?" He looks up from his phone still walking. He falls right into the water.

"YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD" he scream furiously while the other two are laughing their butts off.

"W- we tried to warn you" Yohan says trying to hold back another laugh.

Jump into the water Wooseok thought as he got into their minds.

"Wooseok NO!" Seungyoun retaliated. "Why is my body going on it's on, stop that." Yohan exclaimed.

Just like that, the two followed his orders flopping right into the water.

Angered by the sudden action, after regaining power back to his body, Yohan was done playing games. He both of his hands and levitated every drop of water into the air. Even the water that soaked their clothes. He motioned his hands like he was silencing a choir. Instantly the water turned into thin air.

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