Chapter XVII

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"The Son of Hades"

Pyo ran to the voice that was calling his name. It was the principal. "What is it? Did you find my mother?" Pyo asked.

"Yes, Shes out on the battle field with the rest of the students but I need you and the boys to go out there and watch them while I speak with Zeus about this"

Pyo nodded and without hesitation ran to his mother and texted the guys.

They all met up outside where everyone was gathered.

"Everyone please remain calm, this will all be over soon hopefully" Seungwoo announced to the students.

Just then, the ground began to shake. In the distance and hill began to emerge. There was a speck on the tip of it. It was none other than the son of hades himself, Jinhyuk.

"Well Well Well, look at what we have here" he said. He took a step and vanished into smoke then appearing in front of Seungwoo cause he to jump back.

"What are you doing here Jinhyuk and why are you causing havoc, especially blowing up the school!" Seungwoo asked.

"Well, because I'm tired of people under estimating me"

"Dude literally no one cares about you" Hangyul said.

"Exactly, now if you'll excuse me. I have deaths to create." He said as he returned to his original spot.

Jinhyuk took out a book which began to glow a bright blue.

"What is that" Wooseok asked.

"T- That's Hades Grimore" Seungyoun said.

Jinhyuk began to say incantations.

"What's a grimore" Dohyon asked.

"It's a book that a person gains at the age of 20, but that doesn't seem like his. He isn't old enough yet. He shouldn't be able to use it."

"We have to stop him before he finishes his incantation." Seungwoo states.

All the boys, with the exception of Pyo, began to charge towards Jinhyuk.

"Ah ah ah" Jugmo said. The boys stopped moving.

They were frozen in time. They could not move anything but their eyes.

"The spell is almost complete" he said.

"Jugmo, why are you doing this?" The Princple asked.

"Because I want to" be replied.
"Really? Why would you help that" Pyo asked.

He stayed silent.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION" Pyo screamed.

Jugmo turned around and began to walk away.

Pyo sent a screech towards Jugmo sending him a few meters away and knocking him out.

This undid his powers and set the boys free. Allowing them to continue charging to Jinhyuk. But it was too late.

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