Chapter XXIV

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"A return to school"

"Holy Mother of God" Mingyu said.

The dirt of Slasher's body blew away, surprisingly since they were inside with no wind.

"Wait, did I do it?" Dongpyo asked. The boys didn't reply at all. Their jaws stood dropped.

"I...I have to train some more I guess." Mingyu said.

He came to his senses, "OH WONWOO, EVERYONE"!

"W- we're fine. Just g- get the book" Seungcheol said, before he passes back out due to pain.

Mingyu headed towards the chest. He input the code to unlock it. It took him a few tries because apparently he forgot the code.

"I don't think he knows it.." Wooseok whispered
"Like at all" Seungwoo replied.

"Shut up, I got it" Mingyu said as he unlocked it finally.

"'s moving" he said.

The grimoire flew upwards into the air. It dashed around the the crashing into glass and all sorts of decorations.


Seungwoo caught the book but quickly let go as it gave him a burning sensation. "Ow, I can't touch it" he stated.

"Let me..." Dongpyo Said attempting to grab it.

"Wait Dongpyo-" Seungyoun exclaimed.

He grabbed and held the grimoire with no problem, "Got It!" He said.

"Honestly I'm not even surprised at this point" Wooseok said.

- later

"Goodbye Children, Get Home Safe"

He went into the office and shut the door behind him.

"GOSH HE HAD ONE JOB" Necromancer yelled.

"I got more power now since he's dead, so I guess there was one benefit."

He slams his fists on the desk, "ugh! I still can't do much without my grimoire"

"I have to think of a new approach...."

A light bulb lit in his head then he smirked. "What an incredible idea Necromancer" he said to himself.

- two days later

"Are you guys sure you'll keep an eye on him?" Seungyoun asked Eunsang.

"YES!! SIR!!" he replied.
"Don't do too much" he smacked him. "We got it"

"I said I'm fine" Dongpyo whined.

"We do not know if you'll go unconscious or not. Cant believe I wasn't there to see you go badass" Yohan said.

"It's ok, you had your reasons" Dongpyo said.

"Yeah" Yohan sighed.

- flashback

Yohan turns on shower. And lights candles.

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