Chapter XXI

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"Excuse me"

"Pardon me"


The boys were rushing to the room.

The door swung open, "PYO" Yohan yelled.
"Dongpyooooooo" Hyeongjun said as he ran to the boy and pulled him into a hug.

"Ow ow ow ow" he whined


"My god, his face is still pretty. Thank the heavens" Wooseok said.

"Excuse me nurse, who are all these people?" Dongpyo asked.

Everyone's jaw dropped. They could not believe it. Dongpyo..with amnesia. Out of all possibilities. Amnesia.

"So you're telling me, that you don't remeber this face?" Wooseok asked.

He shook his head.
"Oh Yohan, I didn't recognize you. When did you get glasses?!"

"We're doomed" Junho sighed


"Since he's been in a coma, the stress in his body must've have cause his to have amnesia. Luckily it isn't permanent. It should return in a day or two. Helping him remember things will help the process go faster." Said the doctor

"Thanks doc, I'll sign his release papers" Seungyoun replied.

"Seungwoo what are we gonna do now" Yohan asked

"What do you mean me?"

"Well our Vice Captain has amnesia and we have our first squad meeting in a week plus your the captain so.." he replied.

"Lets go back to the others and Dory"Seungyoun said

"Don't call him that you twat" Seungwoo smacked his neck




"Guys lets not push him" Minhee said.
"Yeah he'll remeber us soon..hopefully" Hangyul added.

"I still can't believe my son, doesn't remeber me" Wooseok cried.

"SON?! You're my father? You seem young, I don't think my mom would do it with a minor" Dongpyo said.

"Speaking of my mom, I need to call her" he said.

Everyone looked at each other.

Seungyoun,Yohan, & Seungwoo entered the room.

"Ah Yohannnn, can see your phone to call my mom" he asked

"Y- your-"
"No" Seungyoun said.

"Why" he asked.

"Seungwoo will tell you after we get you to your new home" Seungyoun said pushing everybody out of the room.


All the boys, along with Dongpyo exit the hospital. "First we need to get you some new clothes."

They make there way to the Starship Outlet Mall.

"THIS PLACE IS HUGE!" Dongpyo fascinated

"I want donuts" Dohyon said
"Ok let's, we'll see you all later" Hangyul said and waved to everyone.

"Those boys sure know they can eat.." Junho said.
"You literally ate like 2 gallons of ice cream last night, shut up" Eunsang said.

"I'm getting a solo dorm" Junho face palmed himself.

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