Chapter VII

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gotta start proof reading ,I sound dumb 😭😭😭 anyways enjoy


"Spring Break"

"Seungwoo hyung?" Pyo asked

Seungwoo turned around in a "flash" as he heard the voice. "Dongypo is that you?" The boy nods in response and begins to run towards him.

Seungwoo steps back, "Dont come any closer"


"Because it's too late" he begins to laugh. His laughter changes as well as his body. Thus appears Jinhyuk.

"Time is Dongpyo, this is the end"

Jinhyuk sends a giant ball of magic towards Pyo's face.

Pyo jumps awake from the terrible nightmare. His face was full of sweat and tears. Thankfully for him, Yohan was still alseep.

It was currently 5am so he had an hour to spare. He decided to take a nice warm shower to get his mind off of recent events.

After his shower, Pyo microwaved himself a bowl of ramen.

"Ahh I needed this so bad"

"You're not jerking off are you?"

Pyo turns around to a shirtless Yohan standing over him.

"HEY I don't do that" Pyo defended. "Off please we all do it" Pyo gave him a serious facial expression. "Omg you innocent child" he grasping the smaller in a hug.

"Eww get off of me you're sweaty. Go take a shower" he whines.

"Put some ramen in my mouth, and your wish is my com-" Just before Yohan could finish his statement Pyo shoved ramen into his mouth.

"Now Go!!"

- now at school

"We are never going to that breakfast ever again" Yohan states. "Absolutely" Pyo agrees.

"Come on it wasn't that bad, I like my grits extra salty" Dohyon says coming out of nowhere.

"One, ew....two, where did you come from?" Pyo asks.

"I was sitting by you guys the ENTIRE time"

"Say something next time instead of just instantly eating" Yohan says patting his head.

"Now we have English, go to science little one" Pyo says grabbing Yohan. "I'm literally taller than you" Dohyon argues.

"For now" Pyo screams from the end of the all.

God he's fast

- a few months later

Life for Pyo has been doing well. He has 9 new bestfriends. He never thought he could obtain friendships with people like them. Who knew such a terrible accident could bring him the best friends he's ever had. It's been 5 months since he came to X1 High, he doesn't regret it for a minute.

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