Chapter XIX

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Pyo sat at corpse of his mother, after Jinhyuk killed her.

Yohan got up from the sudden position to go comfort Pyo.

"Di- Did he just" Hyeongjun said tearing up.

"But Yohan was going to-"
"Then she-"

"I can't believe this" Seungwoo said clenching his fists. "Lightning Sword" He raises his hand into the sky as lightning struck down forming a sword. "You all go to Pyo, I got this hoe" he said with lightning eyes.

"Seungwoo Stop"


"Oh, come try and get test will ya?" said Jinhyuk getting in fighting stance.

They dashed towards each other, clashing swords. "You didnt have to kill her, how pathetic." Seungwoo said.

"Well, it really wasn't my attention. I kind of liked Miss Hag" replies Jinhyuk. "I was trying to kill the now depressed fairy.

"You shouldn't be trying to kill anyone."

Seungwoo stepped back and hit with a slash, which was blocked. Jinhyuk returned with a spin attack, pushing him back.

"You're not as strong as Miss Hag, so you obviously can not defeat me."

"Well, I have something you don't" he said holding his ring into the air to amplify his power but it didn't seem to work. Instead he stood confused and Jinhyuk attacked him.

Seungwoo flew a few meters and passed out.

"Jugmo" Jinhyuk said.

"Yes Jinhyuk" he replied.

Eunsang turned around and turned back. "When the heck did he wake up?"

"Oh him? While we're fighting my minions. Oh yeah by the way. That's so rude. Do you know how much time I put into those? Well what's done is done, I have something pretty for you all." Jinhyuk grabs Jugmo and holds him.

"Hey... what are you doing Jinhyuk" Jugmo asked nervously.

"Just something cool" he smirked

"Demon Fire Magic : Demon Sacrafice" Jinhyuk said these words from his fathers grimore and slit Jugmo's throat and tossing him onto the ground.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, expect for the distracted Pyo and the unconscious Seungwoo.

"My mind cant process all of this, I just wanna go home and eat ramen" Dohyon said dropping to his knees.

The ground began to tremble. The sky turned red. Sirens began to wake. Arose a giant demon. Long white hair with dark black scales. It had the head of a bone skull of a deer but the body of a gorilla.

Once it fully formed, the ground stopped shaking.


"OH HEAVENS" the principle said.

He immediately flew down to the boys. "Minhee & Junho, you go alert all the Produce Knights since you're the best at teleportation." The Principle ordered.

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