Chapter XVI

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Pyo and Yohan arrive to the the gym where they see everyone, except Dohyon who is at the snack table.

"Dohyon! Those are for tomorrow, stop eating them!" Mr. Wang yelled.

"But I need energy!" He yelled back with a mouth full of food. "G- GET OVER HERE" he said grabbing him by his ear.

By then Yohan and Pyo made their way to Junho and Minhee.

"Heyyyyyy" Pyo greeted. Junho looked up, "well if it isn't the boyfriends, did you enjoy your honeymoon?"

Pyo blushes and stepped away from Yohan. "Shut up, your banner is spelt wrong" he replied.

Junho stopped and stood up. "Wh- what is this. Fly Hieght XI?!?!"


Minhee jumped up and suddenly slipped on the banner ripping it thus rolling onto the floor and wrapping himself up.

"Oops...sorry" he said.

Junho face palmed himself whilst Pyo and Yohan were dying of laughter, along with other students who watched.

"That reminds me, has you've seen Seungwoo yet? He was supposed to be here by now" Yohan asked.

"No, and right now I don't care. Now flee away from my sight" Junho demanded.

Just then Seungyoun and Seungwoo enter the gym. "The King is here!" Seungyoun scream gaining the entire gym's attention.

"Shut up!" a faint voice from the back said.

It was Hangyul.

All the boys except Minhee and Junho run up to them.

"What took you so long to come back and what was so important?" Wooseok asked.

Seungwoo took a box out of his mini bag and opened it. Revealed were two rings and a two bracelets.

"Our bracelets!" Dohyon yelled grabbing one.
"Woah, howd you get them from Ma?" Hangyul asked.

"She has a soft spot for me" Seungwoo grinned. "And here is yours Seungyoun"

"Thank you peasant" he said while grabbing his." Seungwoo gave him a little shock during the interaction.

"Now everyone has their gems" Seungwoo announced. "We can all be matching bros"

"Well except me" Pyo acknowledged.

"True because of your fat-" Hyeongjun said as he was cut off by Hangyul's hand.

"I'll take him to Minhee, thanks for the delivery dude" Hangyul stated.

"Gosh! You guys are so sensitive. I'm over that already" Pyo said.

"Are you sure?" Wooseok asked.
"Of course, I never really knew him so it didn't hurt that much"



- The following morning

Pyo awakens from his slumber and open his eyes. He jumps at the sight of his face being one inch away from Yohan's. He couldn't get up because Yohan has his arms wrapped around him.

"Ahh you're awake?" Iris said. "I thought I would have to make a rain cloud on you two. How cute"

"Maaaaa pleaseeee, anyways can you use your rain cloud on him" he asked.

On command she did, and Yohan awoke gasping for air.

The cloud disappeared and all the remains of the water it dropped, expect the water on Yohan's face. She giggled as she left back to the living room.

"Welcome back to earth water boy" Pyo said.

"Shut up" he replied wiping his face.

"Lets get ready for this event"

The two got up and ready and met Iris in the living room.

"Oh well don't you two look lively, you were just dead as can be an hour ago" she giggled

"I'm always lively, it's my way of life" Pyo said while in a pose.

"I am simply just not a morning person" Yohan stated.

"I fixed you two some ramen, since that's the only thing here" she said:
"AHH BEST MOM EVER" Yohan yelled.

"Hey she's mine" Pyo argued.
"Sharing is caring" Iris said with a laugh.

Pyo and Yohan finished their ramen and made their way towards them gym with Iris.

"This is so bigger than the last time I was here, I could have sworn there was only 6 classrooms" Iris said.

"Mom how old are you oh my goddess" Pyo asked.

"Don't you dare aske me that question ever again"

"y- yes ma'am"

"Uh well, we've made it to the gym and it looks like it's loud as ever" Yohan announced.

They enter and instantly get hit with a wave of pure fun and innocence.

There a banner and all types of decoration on the walls and a large variety of booths and games for everyone to play.

"Come on mom lets go if they have ball toss"

"Oh boy you're about to lose drastically"

Everyone went out to play. Junho and Eunsang did the archery contest. Seungwoo and Hangyul did "whos is the strongest" game. Hyeongjun and Donhyon did musical chairs. Seungyoun played the PubG tournament while Minhee cheered as MC. Wooseok was giving free makeovers to the guys and ladies. Everyone was having pure fun for hours. It's was a great and stress free. Until. There was an explosion.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and began to run on instinct. Pyo and the others ran to find his mother but she was gone.


"Guys we have to find my mom" Pyo demanded. They all nodded to help and begain loving.

This is just like I saw in my visions, a tragedy Minhee thought.

Four more explosions followed.

"DONGPYO HELP!" A voice said.

- to be continued

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