Chapter XV

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"The Last Day"

The last few days of Spring Break have flown by. Things were not as chaotic as it would have seemed. Sejin and Tony got much more closer to the boys than they were before, they both have Hyeongjun to thank for that.

Pyo got to fill the void and have fun with his mother. It was like they were never apart, not even for a second. She evened gained two more sons, Seungwoo and Yohan.

It was time to go back to school, so they all began to head back.


"Ahhhhh, I'm not yet finished" Jinhyuk raged.

"My plan isn't complete and they're on their way back to school." He continued. "Jugmo!"

"I need you to do something since you can't drive without almost hitting a person"

"Hey! That was only once" he defended. Jinhyuk gave a glare. "sorry" jugmo whispered

"I need a day or two to finally complete this, I don't need any interruptions. Go to school make sure everyone is at the back to school dance, especially those so called all powerful" Jinhyuk demanded. "You got that"

Jugmo nodded and exited

God let him spare me Jugmo thought


The van arrives at the school and allows the boys to exit it. Without a second to spare, it drove off. "WAIT MY SUGAR COOKIES" Hyeongjun screamed.

Seungyoun patted his back, "it's okay, it's okay, I ate them when you were alseep"

Hyeongjun pulled back a looked up, "you what?" He asked with a serious tone.

His eyes filled with bright hysterical yellow flames.

Seungyoun began to run with his luggage even knowing Hyeongjun would catch up to him, yet still doing so.

"Guys, when are Dongpyo and the others coming?" Eunsang asked.

"Yohan and Dongpyo are on their way with his mother, Seungwoo went to go pick up a few things so he'll be back tomorrow." Wooseok explained.

"No, lets go unpack and meet in the gym with everyone else!"

The boys parted their ways and did just that.

A few hours later Pyo and Yohan arrive to their dorm.

"Ahhh, it feels as if we never left" Yohan said flopping onto his bed.

"Yohan I'm sleeping with you tonight by the way" Pyo stayed.

He shot up, "h- huh what why When who?"

Pyo turned around confused, "My mum has to sleep somewhere and I'm lending her my bed"

"How about I sleep on the floor and you get my bed"

"No, you'll catch a cold, just sleep with me, we can keep each other warm" he smiled.

Yohan began to blush and quickly pushed his face into his pillow to hide from Pyo.


"SHES HERE" Pyo yelled

He ran to the door to open it whilst Yohan stood straight with a serious face.

"엄마!!" He screamed.

"There's no need to scream my child, I'm right here"

"What took you so long to get here?" He asked.

"I was talking to your principal about me staying the night, he said it was fine but I got lost on the way here" she replied

"Well, you're here now, I've made your bed. Come! Come!"

She entered the dorm and Pyo dragged her luggage in behind.

"Yohan sweetie, why do you look constipated?" she asked. "Loosen up a little bit, everything is alright"

He fell onto the floor, "oh thank Neptune, I could not breathe"

"Apparently you all have an assembly about now" Iris stated.

"Really?" Yohan asked.



"You both should go, I'll be fine."

Pyo runs to the front, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, you have television with more than 40 channels. I'm ecstatic!"

They laughed and parted ways. And headed towards the gym.

to be continued


I've been inactive because of exams ++ that's why this chapter is so short. I have one more exam left and then I'll be back and ready. Thank chuuu

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