Chapter 11

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The gate counted down, I could feel the tense energy radiating off from everyone, including my own.

I looked down the hall, knowing everyone would surely get stuck, so I'll have to be able to get in front of them without getting stuck.

"Start!" Midnight yelled, making me run as quickly as I could.

As I thought, everyone got stuck, but thankfully I was near the front, so I could wrangle my way out along with a few others.

I felt a chill breeze coming my way and forced myself to jump up, seeing a sheet of ice coming through the crowd and freezing people into place, I had just managed to get out of the way in time.

'Woah, who's quirk is that?' I asked myself before seeing a flash of red and white. 'Oh, it's his? Wow, that's pretty powerful.'

Almost everyone was frozen to the ground but me and a lucky few could get through. Bakugou, spiky red head, a girl with a pole coming out of her hand, and a blond guy with a laser coming out of his stomach.

Bakugou yelled angrily, explosions coming out of his hands and propelling him forwards quickly as I picked up my pace, activating my quirk to grab tree branches and Tarzan swing my way forwards but stopping as those large robots from the entrance exam blocked our way.

"Targets found...lots!"

I deactivated my quirk, staring at the large robots and knowing I couldn't have my quirk activated for a long amount of time in one go.

The robots blocked the way through, anyone dumb enough not to take care of them would probably get crushed.

People were shouting in confusion before one robot went to attack.

Though I saw Shoto place his hand to the ground and activate his quirk, ice forming a ring and right directly into the robot, immobilising it in place.

I knew the robot would collapse soon, so I wasted in no time to run after Shoto. Soon enough once we were out from underneath, cracking could be heard and the robots all collapsed.

I saw Shoto look behind him and was surprised to see me a few feet away. I gave him a grin, which he returned faintly before we turned it into a small race as everyone else got through.

I heard Present Mic and Aizawa speaking but I ignored it, focusing on getting through to the next part of the race.

I knew I couldn't use my feet aspect of my quirk that I had been using, from what I knew I had to be barefoot and I didn't want to waste time on taking off my shoes and carrying it with me.

"You half-and-half bastard!!" I heard Bakugou shout, turning around to see Bakugou coming up behind me pretty quickly with a few others in tow.

'Screw it.' I thought, activating my quirk and grabbing onto two tree branches, flinging me forwards.

I stopped, seeing a large drop in front of me. I looked around, seeing a tight rope and went over to it and started shuffling my way across slowly.

As I did so I saw more and more people coming and starting to use their quirks over the drop.

I paid no attention to them, just focused on what I was doing before hearing a scream.

I looked back to see Kamoku barely holding on to the rope before loosing his grip and falling.

Without thinking I let go of the rope and fell, trying to get to him as fast as possible.

I activated my quirk, one arm grabbing the rope while the other grabbed Kamoku, who seemed visibly shaken as we hung there.

Do I Want To Be A Hero? (Shoto Todoroki x Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now