37 | A Wedding or Not?

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Walking into the hospital that afternoon, since I didn't have anything in the morning, I had to push past the crowd of people who had already gotten there before me.

Bailey's wedding was the next day, and I was excited, but it also meant I had to dress dressy; so that morning was spent dress shopping. I hadn't worn a dress in I don't even know how long and I would also have to shave my legs. The wedding was supposed to be Christmas themed, so most of the women were wearing red dresses. I never exactly loved wearing red, but I would damn near do anything for Bailey.

Speaking of the devil, Bailey approached me on my way to drop my things off. "Forrest." she stopped for a second, "When you get to the wedding, don't sit down."

I gave her a confused look as she walked away, "Wait...what?" But Bailey didn't give me any more information. Sighing, I dropped my things off in the attendings' lounge before making my way to the cafeteria to get something to eat before my day really began.

"Flowers, music...it's a recipe for disaster." April huffed as I sat down with them.

"April, you're going to be fine." Meredith assured her, "Don't worry about it."

Cristina looked to her, "Oh, come on. Don't tell her she's gonna be fine. You're gonna be looking all pretty, little bit of lip gloss of your prude-y little mouth. Jackson will spot her across the room. Try to look away, but he can't. You're irresistible in your dress. One drink, and you're doing the hippity-dippity in the coatroom."

"The dress? Oh, God." April stood up and ran off.

I giggled, "She worries too much."

"See?" Cristina watched as April took off.

"Cruel," Meredith told her and Cristina just flashed a smile.

Meredith gave us a look like she wanted to tell us something, but couldn't. "What?" Cristina asked.

"Nothing," Meredith told her.

"Hey." I took a bite of my food, "Did Bailey tell anyone else not to sit down at the wedding?"

Meredith nodded, "Pretty sure it means you're a bridesmaid."

Once my lunch was finished, I did a few of my planned surgeries for traumas that had come in the day before and headed home. Sometimes, a quiet day was good. Especially since tomorrow was going to be anything but quiet.


"G.S.W." Cristina crossed her arms as we stared at the O.R. board on the day of Bailey's wedding. Every surgeon needed to cut at least once a day...it was like a drug.

"Sweet." Meredith looked through a chart as I erased the surgery that I had just performed from the board.

"Scrubbing in with Owen, who wants to sign our divorce papers today. I guess we're being mature and moving on." Cristina said and I looked to her, this being the first time hearing about any divorce.

Meredith turned to her, "Speaking of which, why didn't you tell me that the divorce was because of the plane crash lawsuit?"

"What?" Cristina asked.

"Derek told me, so that the case is stronger." Meredith replied, "Which is great, I'm glad, especially if it means the two of you are getting back together. It's good news, and I don't know why you wouldn't want to share that with me."

Cristina was shocked, "Because I didn't know."

"You ready?" Owen turned the corner and we all stared daggers at him. "What?" he asked, but Cristina just took off.


Soon enough I found it was time to get ready for the wedding. Having brought everything I needed to work that day, I simply stepped into the attendings' lounge and got changed with everyone else. After putting on my dress, doing my hair and makeup, and forcing my feet into heels that may have been a size or two too small, I was ready.

Meredith went to say goodbye to Derek, who had had his hand surgery that day and couldn't come, before she left. I, being probably the only person going as a single besides Meredith, drove myself to the beautiful venue. After making my way into a room where Bailey's family and the bridesmaids were, we waited, but Bailey never showed up. "Oh, come on." one of her sisters tried to call her, "Straight to voicemail."

Sighing, Callie sat down on the couch with us, "Um, it's possible that I may have, by mistake, said that if she had any doubts she should flee."

"What?" Meredith asked.

I turned to her, "Why?"

"Well, I kind of said that marriage is like a dance of death and that leaving him at the altar would be a painful but efficient out," Callie admitted.

"Oh, that's nice." Arizona scoffed.

"I was joking..." Callie explained, "and she was nervous, okay? And she wasn't sure if it was the wedding or the whole thing."

"The marriage?" Meredith asked.

Callie nodded, "She was nervous."

"How nervous?" Ben walked into the room, "How nervous was she, Callie?"

Just then, Ben got a call saying that Bailey had been pulled into a surgery. Sighing, he made his way out to where everyone was waiting to make an announcement. "Could I have everyone's attention, please?" he stepped to the front of the large room, "Um, my beautiful wife-to-be has been pulled into an emergency surgery, so things are going to be delayed for a little while. Those of you who are doctors will understand. And those who aren't, uh...well, they're setting up the buffet, the bar's open in the back. Drink, eat, and just as soon as we're able, we'll have a little wedding."


"That poor handsome fool." Callie said as we walked out to where everyone else was, "Bailey's probably hopped a boxcar to Mexico by now. I am the worst maid of honor ever."

"Who made you maid of honor?" Arizona asked.

Callie sighed, "I called it. And then I tanked it. Uh, I'm-I'm gonna go to the hospital."

"Right now?" Arizona asked.

"I'll go. I'm the General surgeon. Maybe I can tag her out of surgery " Meredith offered and handed Callie her bouquet of flowers, "Put this in water till I get back."

"You really told Bailey to run?" Arizona asked as Meredith left.

Callie rolled her eyes, "I didn't say she should run. I said she could run. And-and I was joking. I was...ha ha. Funny...funny me. No? Okay. Who needs a drink?"

Callie walked off to the bar just as I got a page from the hospital. A bunch of trauma's coming in, so taking off, I got to the exit at the same time as everyone else. "Big trauma?" I asked and they all nodded. Getting into our cars, we drove off like a gang of doctors.

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