77 | We'll Be Fine

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The body is an infinitely complex mass of interacting systems. People like to think doctors see it all clearly. But it's not always obvious what's a hiccup in the system, and what's a full on medical disaster. We figure that out in our first year of residency. We spend the rest of our careers lying about it.

"Hey, welcome back." Cristina joined Callie, April, and I at the desk we were standing at as we stared through the glass window of the meeting room at Owen and Emma.

Callie looked up and smiled, "Hey, thanks. Beats the hell out of a courtroom."

Callie had just gotten back from about a week of stress. One of her patients had sued her so she wasn't allowed to practice medicine until everything was worked out.

"You know, she brought muffins," Callie told Cristina as she gestured to Emma and Owen.

"It's her day off. She's doing homework." April added.

Cristina scoffed, "In a hospital?"

"Yeah. God." Callie shook her head, " Get some air. See the world, right?"

Cristina stared at Owen for a few seconds before taking off. "I think it's sweet," April whispered.

"It's adorable." Callie smiled.

"Isn't love great?" I giggled, Callie and April joining in soon after.

As I headed down to the E.R. for a trauma that I had been paged for, I saw Alex. "Alex." I called and waved him over, "You free tonight?"

"I have a girlfriend, remember?" Alex walked over, "Besides, I already got you pregnant. One baby is more than enough."

I slapped him on the arm, "No, you dumbass. Tonight I have an appointment to find out the baby's gender. I was wondering if you wanted to be there."

"Oh, uh." Alex muttered, "I'll have to check my schedule. I'll...let you...I let you know later."

I watched Alex leave in confusion, having no more of an answer out of him than when I started the conversation. Sighing, I turning and took off because someone was probably dying and I needed to be down there now.

"What do we got?" I asked as I entered the trauma room and started to put some gloves on.

"Ella Holmes, 6, hit by a car, tachycardic and hypotensive." Owen filled me in.

"She was on her scooter." a girl standing nearby said, " She knows she's not supposed to ride it down the hill. I don't know what happened."

Arizona looked to Owen, "Show me the ultrasound."

"Is she gonna be okay?" the girl asked, worry on her face.

"Are you her mom?" I looked at her.

She shook her head, "They're out of town."

Arizona scanned the ultrasound and sighed, "Intraperitoneal free fluid."

Owen nodded, "Call C.T. and book an O.R. just in case."

"Dr. Robbins?" Leah held up some scans.

"She's got a supracondylar femur fracture," Arizona commented.

"Okay, call Torres." Owen ordered before looking to Arizona, "Is that gonna be okay?"

Arizona nodded, "Yeah, we're on the mend."

Owen smiled, "I'm glad to hear it. Murphy, go with Torres and Robbins."

"Pressure's dropping!" I looked at the monitors as they started to erratically.

"What is that?" the girl panicked.

"I can't wait for a C.T." Arizona said as Owen got the bed ready for transportation, "Prep her for the O.R."

The girl watched us as we worked, "I have to call her parents. What am I supposed to tell them?"

Leah turned to the girl, "I'll update you as soon as we know."

"All right, let's move, people," Arizona announced as we started to head for the elevator.

Owen nodded, "Let's go."

Arizona, Callie, and Leah performed the surgery while I did a few consults in the pit. "Forrest." Owen approached me, "Can you take over some of Bailey's surgeries?"

I shook my head, "No, sorry. I have an appointment tonight up in O.B. Might be able to find out the baby's sex."

"Oh, well then." Owen smiled, "Congratulations."

"Why is it that congratulations is the only thing people say to you when you're pregnant?" I asked, "Congratulations on doing the one thing you were born to do."

"Whatever you say." Owen chuckled, "Oh, um, Emma is cooking Thanksgiving dinner at Meredith's house. You're more than welcome to come if you don't have any plans."

"Thanks." I smiled, "I will."

Owen left after that, probably to find someone to take over Bailey's surgeries. I didn't know why Bailey wasn't doing them herself, but I was probably none of my business anyway.


That night I walked up to the O.B. floor expecting to see Alex, but he wasn't there. Slightly disappointed, I walked into the room I was scheduled to be in. "Welcome." my O.B., Nancy, greeted me, "How are you?"

"Good." I laid down on the chair, "You?"

"Just great." she wheeled her chair over to me, "So, are we waiting for anyone to arrive? The father?"

I shook my head, "No. We can start."

"Alrighty." Nancy nodded and started to spread the gel onto my noticeably pregnant stomach. Soon after she turned on the ultrasound and started to move it around my stomach. "Okay." she turned to me, "Would you like to know the sex or keep it a surprise?"

"This baby was a surprise enough on its own." I chuckled, "Tell me."

Nancy smiled, "Well then, you are going to be having a beautiful baby girl."

I couldn't help but grin as I left the office once we were done. As I got into my car and turned the engine on, I sent Alex a quick text before driving off.

It wasn't long before I came to the first set of lights. Stopping the car, I found myself thinking of girls' names. Soon enough the light turned green again and I stepped on the gas and entered the intersection. Seconds later I was nearly blinded by a bright light coming from my side window. Slowing down, I turned to my left and saw it. A truck...clearly much larger than my car, headed right at me.

I'd been in enough accidents by now to know exactly what was going on. Time seemed to slow because my eyes were darting around like crazy, trying to find a way out of this. But of course...there was nothing I could do.

I felt it in my shoulder first. Even though I couldn't hear the cracks because the sound of glass breaking and metal smashing into metal pounded in my ears like a rock concert, I knew I had broken bones.

If I had kept going I would have just missed the truck, but I stopped because I didn't want to hit anyone. I then felt it in my head and neck. My body stretching and bending and the car started to slide across the road.

Ellie: Alex, I don't know why you weren't at the appointment but it doesn't matter. All that matters is our baby girl.

It's just a cold. Muscle through it. It'll pass. Nothing's really wrong. We're doctors. We'd know if something was wrong. We'll be fine. Nothing's wrong

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now