68 | Mercy

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There's this playground game that kids play. They lock hands, and on the count of three...they try to snap each other's fingers off. You hold out as long as you can...or at least longer than the other guy. The game doesn't end until someone says "Stop." Gives up...cries "Mercy." It isn't a fun game.

"This is quite a late appointment." the O.B. doctor said to me as she lifted up my shirt and put the ultrasound gel onto my stomach.

Sighing, I stared up at the ceiling, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just...I work here and I didn't want my friends to know. I mean, they know that I'm pregnant but I just don't want to draw any attention to it."

The woman pulled out the ultrasound and started to move the device around my stomach. Just then, my pager went off in my purse. Reaching over I pulled the pager out of my bag. Trauma 911 was the call. Groaning, I sat up, "I'm sorry, but I just got paged 911. I have to go."

"But it will only be a few seconds longer." the woman tried to stop me, "Don't you want to know how your baby's doing?"

Standing up, I grabbed my things and headed for the door, "I'm sorry!"


As I arrived at the outpatient surgery door where I was paged, I ran into Derek, Meredith, Cristina, Arizona, and Callie. "Ellie?" Callie asked, "Wasn't today your day off?"

Derek turned and pulled open the doors to the outpatient wing, which was trashed with a hole in the roof which made the room just as cold as outside. "It worked." Owen turned to Jackson as the two of them stood near a table with files on it, "I cannot believe that that worked."

"Uh, okay. Where's the trauma?" Callie crossed her arms.

"There's no trauma." Jackson answered, "This is a meeting of the board."

I raised my eyebrows, "There's no trauma?"

"A meeting about what?" Cristina questioned.

"We're gonna have a party," Jackson said out of nowhere.

Arizona scoffed, "Is this...is this a trauma, a meeting, or a party?"

"I'm so confused." Callie groaned.

"I'm so tired," Derek said, both he and Meredith dressed in regular clothes as they were both supposed to be home taking care of their new baby.

"We're gonna have a party, folks." Jackson informed us, "A big one. Gala fund-raiser. We're gonna invite the richest people that we know, and we are gonna charm the money out of them. But first, Dr. Hunt is gonna tell us exactly how much money we need and where it needs to go, starting with what used to be this room. So...let's settle in. This is gonna take a while."

Sighing loudly and groaning, we all walked over and took a seat at the table. My chair scraped against the cement as I pulled it out and I wrapped my sweater tighter around my body to fight the cold.


Once the meeting was over I contemplated going back up to O.B., but eventually decided against it. I could always go another day or maybe even never...my mind was full of so many different possibilities right now it was insane.

The cold wind whipped my face as I sat outside the hospital on one of the benches. "Hey." I looked up to see Owen sit down beside me, "Sorry I paged you. I forgot it was your day off."

I shook my head, "No, don't worry about it. I was here anyway so..."

"I wondered how you got here so fast." Owen chuckled.

"Yeah." I nodded, "I, uh, was supposed to get an ultrasound."

Owen's eyes went directly to my stomach, "Oh, my God. That's right. I-I totally forgot. Congratulations."

"I don't know if congratulations are in order." I scoffed, "I never really wanted children and now the father doesn't even want anything to do with it. Did I mention that Alex is the father? Yeah...pretty fucked up."

Owen sighed, "Well, what are you going to do?"

"I have no clue." I replied honestly, "I could keep the baby, put it up for adoption, and I can still technically abort if that's what I want but...I don't know. I mean, when Cristina...when she did it, did it affect her?"

"I don't think anything affects Cristina." Owen chuckled, "But I think for most women there's something...I can't say first hand but it can't be nothing, can it?"

"I don't know." I stood up, pulling my coat tighter around my body, "I should go now."

Owen stood up as well, "Wanna grab a drink?"

"Really?" I smirked.

"Right..." Owen laughed at his mistake, "Well, see you tomorrow."

I started to walk off, "Yup. See you tomorrow."

"Hey." he called and I turned around, "Just remember; whatever you choose is the right decision."

In the game of mercy, when one kid cries out...the other one listens, and the pain stops. Don't you wish it was that easy now? It's not a game anymore, and we're not kids. You can cry "Mercy" all you want, but nobody's listening. It's just you...screaming into a void. 

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now