Let It Be

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The Lennon's both stared at Emmaline's laptop.

"What about The Royal Liver Building?" She asked him "They have some great packages!"

"What about that one? The whirlwind wedding package? Maximum of 120 guests, cheaper on a Friday than Saturday" He read from the screen.

"Over ten thousand pounds Darling,  just for the venue? Is that too much?" She asked.

"Yes but what they include will take a lot off our plate, we just need the dresses, suits, my wedding ring, the cake, flowers and anything else I missed," Julian said. "Invitations! and the celebrant who will marry us!" 

"How about September?" She suggested, "I can free a couple of weeks?"

"That won't give us much time to get invitations out and everything ready," He said looking at her calendar. "Perhaps, here in Brissy is best?" 

She shook her head. "No, we get married in Liverpool and we will pull it off!" 

She let him have the window seat.

Everything was booked, bought and ready, the invited guests were either already there in Liverpool or on their way.

"We did well to pull it off!" He said happily to her. "You were right Sweetness, how could I have doubted you?" 

"Julian?" She began.

"Hmm?" He gave her his attention.

"Here's a thought" she began. "While we're in Liverpool, could we visit an orphanage?"

"A visit for humanitarian work or...."   

"To adopt an older child Julian, I know it seems that it will be easier with a newborn with the staff back home, but they are so much work!"

"You actually would become a Mum?" He asked.

She smiled "I would!" 

"After the wedding?" He asked, "Or we could before the wedding? We've got a few days!"

"Hello, you two!!!!!" Charlotte squealed, pulling them both into a hug as they met in the airport terminal.

Sean stood beside her, smiling. "Lovely weather for a wedding!"

"Better stay that way in three days time!" Julian said, hugging his brother.

"So have you two thought about my offer?" Charlotte asked as they headed to a taxi. "We'd just need to unfreeze one of your eggs, get a bit of sperm off Julian and have me impregnated!"

"You don't mince your words do you?" Emmaline said.

"We have thought long and hard about your ever so kind offer..." Julian began.

"I know where this is going, you're going to refuse my offer!"Charlotte cut him off. "Jules! Emmie! You live in a mansion full of staff! They can help you with bub! Think again, please?!?"

"You realise Emmaline is not going to be governor for the rest of her life, Charlotte?" Julian tried to get it through to her.

"Yes I know BUT whilst she is for a few years, that'll at least hopefully be until the child is a least five or older!" She argued with her basically brother in law. "Then you and Emmie and your little one can go back to Warawee or back to Italy and start the next phase in your lives!"

"Charlotte as much as we love you and are so grateful for your offer, we have another idea, we're visiting one of the orphanages tomorrow, we wish to adopt! Give an orphan a chance to have a life full of love and care and where they can be apart of a family and belong! Make them feel wanted and loved and maybe spoilt... a little bit!" Emmaline finally told them.

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