Chapter 1

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'Reg, hey Reg? Wake up.'

'Go away.' I mumbled from under my dark purple duvet.

'Nope, it's almost noon. So get up Reg.'

Sometimes I seriously hate my little sister, 'Let me sleep in. What's the point of getting up when mom's not here?'

I didn't mention dad knowing it would probably upset her. Our mom, Sophie, is on her honeymoon with her new husband. Robert's not that bad but I've only met him a few times so I can't judge, it's not his fault though. I avoided him like the plague.

'Reg!' My sister pulled me back to consciousness, 'Your baby's french-frying.'

I popped up in bed and grabbed my laptop off the side table desperately feeling the bottom to make sure it wasn't overheating. The air ways aren't blocked, the base is cool.

'Liar.' I pouted at my giggling little sister.

Avalon smiled innocently and flicked her shoulder length hair. I noticed she was still in her Little Mermaid pajamas.

'Nice outfit Miss Get-up-it's-noon.' I smirked.

'Hey, I got up at six, I just didn't change. I figured no parent means I should have some fun.' I almost face palmed at her idea of fun.

'For a seventeen year old you're a serious dork.'

She rolled her eyes behind the black rimmed glasses, 'Said the seventeen year old that forgets pajama bottoms.'

'I did not fo- Crap.' I forgot again.

She grinned, 'I'll make you some coffee while you have a shower .'

'Can I have an egg and mayo sandwich too?' I gave her the wide eyes. I have a serious weakness for egg-mayo sammies.

'Fine.' With that she left my new room.

When my mom got engaged she started making plans with Robert to buy a bigger house, we only got to move in two weeks before the wedding though because mom couldn't pick a house she liked. I hadn't even seen the house until two days ago when my dad dropped me off, he refused to give up custody of me during my mom's wedding since it was his "designated holiday time". I didn't have the heart to tell my mom I didn't want to be there so my dad, Jeremy, acted like he was the one not allowing me to go.

Our mom got custody of me and my sister but he still gets visitation rights to us. My dad has a "colorful" past with the law and his job isn't really conventional - He owns a garage that makes custom motorbikes and repairs or upgrades prebuilt bikes. I used to think it was so cool when he took me there as a child until a ban-saw slipped out of my dad's hand and cut off half my hair, I wasn't hurt but going into second grade with a boy cut did wound my ego a little.

I hopped in the shower, trying to keep my hair out of the water, I was as quick as possible. I want to unpack my stuff, it's currently all in boxes surrounding my bed. It's sort of like having a box fort!

Yanking on grey sweat pants and an old blue tank top I pulled my hair into a ponytail, I'm probably going to get all dusty and messed up when I unpack so wearing clothes I like will be a waste of time... and I have to admit how comfortable I am right now.

Slugging downstairs I found my egg-mayo sandwich with bacon on the side waiting for me, a glass of chocolate milk next to it. Did I say I hated my sister sometimes? Never mind that, I love her.

I yelled in the direction of the kitchen, 'THANKS AVALON!'

'No problem!' She called back in a softer voice.

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