Chapter 9

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'Stay away from Avalon and I.' I glared at Luke. 'I don't want her mixed up In any of this shit so if I see any of you, even Liam near her I will... I don't know what I'll do but you won't like it!'

I know. I'm lame.

'Reggie. Calm down, it was just a gun, he didn't even take it out.' Luke said.

'Luke, he had a fucking gun! I don't want anything to do with this.'

Calum rolled his eyes, 'Says the girl that's friends with Alex.'

'I'm not friends with- Wait, what's that supposed to mean?'

Luke smacked Calum over the back of his head, 'Can you just shut up for like two seconds?'

'Sorry.' He mumbled.

I took that moment to flip open the front door and storm out, heading for the elevator. The boys didn't notice at first so by the time they caught up to me the elevator doors had just closed. I marched out of the lobby and kick-started my bike, heading straight for home.

I can deal with the fact that those twins are dealing drugs, its wrong and dangerous but I can deal with it because they're my friends. Even if I haven't known them for too long they're my friends and I can't freak out. I just have a problem with the whole guns thing, I hate guns. It has nothing to do with some scary or horrific tragedy that happened to me because honestly that's the first gun I've ever seen up close. I just don't like guns, the presence of a gun only invites violence.

As soon as I got home I stormed through the house to my room, Robert tried to greet me when he saw me but I ignored him and slammed my door to make sure everyone home knew I didn't want to be disturbed. Even Avalon didn't try to talk to me and I'm glad because I don't know what I'd say to her about Liam and the other boys.

After a few hours of being locked in my room I got hungry, I'd refused to open my door when my mother called me for dinner. I crept down stairs to the kitchen for some peanut butter, I could hear music coming from Evan's room and I knew Avalon was probably studying.

I grabbed the jar and popped the white cap, took a spoon from the draw and closed it with my hip. Like a boss. Hopping onto the counter I swung my legs as I munched the sticky peanut butter in the dark. Gawd this stuff always makes me feel better.

'Enjoying that?' I almost fell off the counter as Robert flicked on the light.

'Um, yeah.' I answered cautiously.

He smiled gently, 'Don't look so scared, you're not in trouble. I was just wondering why you were so angry earlier. Evan's been worried all afternoon but he won't tell me anything.'

'Forget it, there's nothing you can do.'

He raised an eyebrow, 'Okay, I won't push it but if you need help I'm here. Got it?'

'Sure, thanks Robert.'

'No problem Reggie, enjoy that peanut butter.' He left the kitchen with a small smile, like he'd just accomplished something.

Robert confuses me sometimes, he's supposed to be this scary big shot defense lawyer but then he goes and says things like that. He is what a normal father should be like. All I've ever know is my wild child, crazy, parties every weekend dad, he treated me more like an adult boy than his daughter. I didn't mind when I was little, I liked being allowed to do whatever I wanted but when I started high school and all the other girl's daddies were buying them make up and dresses, I realized my dad was different. When he would forget to wake me up for school or take me to parties instead of letting me study I decided that I didn't like it anymore. Avalon had the sense to say no to our father, to stay home with her books instead of going to parties and meeting boys.

Sometimes I wish I was as smart as my little sister. She's only a few seconds younger than me but years smarter.


I groaned in pain and held my stomach, fudgesicles why does it hurt. I rolled over in bed and pulled up my pyjama shirt, the left side of my tummy was slightly swollen and covered in a dark purple bruise from the bottom of my ribs to my waist line. I don't think purple is my favorite color anymore.

Holy pizza that looks bad.

I sat up, the movement hurt but not unbearably so. Gingerly I stood and took a few steps before the nausea hit me.

Ignoring the pain that came with running I raced to the second floor bathroom where I bent over the toilet, violently throwing up. It hurt like nothing I'd felt before but that wasn't what scared me, the vomit was red. Dark, frightening red.

'Reg! Oh my god.' I heard Avalon's voice behind me.

'Shut the door.'

She did as I told her and then wet a face cloth, gently dabbing the blood away from my mouth.

'Reg, this is serious, you have to tell mom.'


'Why not? What's stopping you?'

'If she finds out she'll make a big deal of it and I can handle this myself.'

'Why do you have to make things so complicated? You can't do everything by yourself Reggie.'

'Can too.'

She scoffed, 'Even when you're sick you still act like a child.'

'Go away meanie-pa-nienie.'

She flushed the toilet and tried to help me up but I just ended up on my ass again, 'I'm going to get Evan to help.'

'Noooo.' I whined from my spot on the floor. Damn throwing up makes me feel like some kind of weak baby.

'It's either him or mom.'

She took my silence as agreement and was soon back with a worried looking Evan.

'I told him what happened.' Avalon said as Evan gently picked me up.

'I'm going to kill Zayn.' He said.

'No, I want to beat him up.' I mumbled.

'You're not beating anyone up in your condition, you're staying in bed. I'll pull your bike round back so your mom and my dad think you've left early tomorrow.'

'Don't hurt my baby.' I do not trust that boy with my bike.

'I promise I'll be careful,' He chuckled, 'Call me if you throw up again or need anything. Even if it's still school hours.'

I nodded, 'Keep Liam away from her.' I mumbled softly so my sister wouldn't hear. 'I know about the drugs.'

His eyes widened in shock but he just nodded and led Avalon downstairs. Guess I'm going to be in bed all day, doesn't sound too bad.

"Guys are like dogs. They keep coming back. Ladies are like cats. Yell at a cat one time ... they're gone." -Lenny Bruce

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