Chapter 24 - Epilogue

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‘Oh no, Avalon, don’t look at me like that.’ I groaned as Liam came to stand next to her, the same puppy dog look on his face. ‘No, stop it.’

‘Please, please, please?’ She said wistfully.

I groaned and looked at my husband, ‘You’re not going to help me here Alex?’

‘Nah, I think it’s a brilliant name.

I flopped back against the pillows in my hospital bed. Next to my bed were two small beds where a baby should have been swaddled in each of their blankets. Alex sat in the arm chair next to me proudly holding our tiny baby girl. Evan was standing next to him holding her twin, the chubby cheeked little boy with his father’s dimples.

‘I think you should name her Lelo.’ Giggled the little toddler sitting at the edge of my bed.

‘And why’s that Emma?’ I asked Evan and Demi’s three year old.

Her curly black hair bounced as she spoke, ‘I like Lelo and Stitch!’

I let out a small laugh and held my hands out to Evan so he’d give me my son. ‘What about Leo?’

The sleeping baby ignored me but Alex nodded beside me, ‘I like it.’

Avalon and Liam stood at the edge of my bed, they’d cut short their honeymoon when Alex told my sister I’d gone into early labour. She’d freaked out and rushed back from Belgium, dragging an amused Liam with her.

‘Leo and Lara?’ Demi suggested.

‘That’s cute.’ Alex commented.

I smiled, ‘I like it.’

‘I like Lelo better.’ We all tried not to laugh at little Emma’s annoyed face as Demi picked up her daughter.

‘When Avalon and Liam have a baby maybe you can get them to name it Lelo.’ I suggested.

‘Aunty Avalon’s having a baby!?” She squealed waking Leo but I just rocked him back and forth before he could start screaming.

Avalon shot me a dirty look as Liam tried to calm Emma, telling her they weren’t having a baby.

Alex was the first to propose, we’ve been married for six years now but I wanted to wait before we had children. I started up my own motorbike repair shop ands Alex works as an architect. The year after we were married Evan and Demi got married, two years later they had little Emma. She has Evan’s personality but Demi’s looks and bubbily nature.

Liam proposed to Avalon but they waited two years before tying the knot, he wanted to finish college and it was just too expensive to have a wedding at the time. We eventually convinced them to let my mom and Robert help with the wedding. Evan and Demi surprised everyone by paying for their honeymoon, it was a wonderful wedding though.

I was only supposed to go into labour in a month and a half’s time but I tripped in the shower and it sent me into early labour. I think I scared Alex half to death, he was out shopping when I fell so I’d just called an ambulance, poor guy came home to find me missing and blood on the bathroom floor.

But I was just fine in the end, so were the babies. They’re a little underdeveloped but it’s nothing that’ll affect them later in life, we’ll just be in this hospital for a little longer.

My dad’s even flying out to meet his grandchildren next week, he hates leaving his garage but I’m glad he’s coming to meet Leo and Lara.

Alex is the light of my life, he’s been by my side ever since he got to the hospital. Making sure I’m comfortable and constantly checking that I’m not in pain. He really does care so much, I can see it in his eyes.

The terror and worry when he first saw me.

The way his eyes filled with pain when I was in labour.

The joy when he held Leo straight after he was born and then Lara, minutes later.

The love I see in his eyes when he looks at me…

I know he loves me just as much as I love him and that’s all I could ever ask for.

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