Chapter 10

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I slept for couple of hours before I got hungry, girl's gotta eat right?


Lucky for me Robert wasn't home and my mom had to work the day shift at the hospital so I didn't have to worry about being caught bunking off school. The house is mine for the day.

After a peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich my stomach felt way better. Who ever said diamonds are a girl's best friend must not have ever had one of my sandwiches. I'll take peanut butter over diamonds any day.

I tied a light pink ribbon around the medical book I'd bought and left it on Avalon's bed for her to find later. She'd decorated her room in white, gold and light pink. The pale pink walls went nicely with her golden spray painted bedframe, white and pink bedding and the overall grown up girly look of the room. If I were a real girl this is the room I'd want.

When I checked my phone I realised Evan and Avalon had been trying to get through to me. Missed calls and worried texts beeped on my cell. Oops, guess I should have checked that when I woke up.

I sent them both messages so they knew I was still alive.

I don't actually feel that bad anymore, except for the pain in my stomach when I move too quickly, this bruise isn't that bad. It just looks like I was punched by a gorilla.

By the time I heard Evan's car in the driveway I was sprawled across my bed with Twilight playing on my T.V. A huge bowl of popcorn sat next to me with M&Ms mixed in. Do you have any idea how yummy that is?

I yelled for whoever was knocking at my bedroom door to come in and soon my siblings worried faced peered in.

'Hey guys. Popcorn with M&Ms?'

Evan looked at me like I was crazy, 'I thought you were dying or something?'

'Nah, I'm fine.' They didn't look convinced, 'I swear I'm okay!'

Avalon flopped down on my bed and took some popcorn. 'Did you put M&Ms in it again?'


'Ugh, hate you.' She threw the popcorn back.

'You put chocolate in your popcorn?' Evan raised an eyebrow.

'Yes.' I stuck out my tongue at him, 'Anything interesting happen today?'

'Zayn was looking for you, he almost came over here.' Evan answered.

'And Liam wouldn't leave me alone so I ended up eating lunch on the soccer field.'

'Jerks. I don't wanna think about them, let's have a movie marathon?'

'Only if it's not Twilight.' Evan stated.


Getting off my bike I groaned and pulled down my shorts which had decided to give me the biggest wedgie of the century. I know they're booty shorts but I'd prefer them not to be in my booty. I'd thrown on a plain grey patterned tee and black converse. Not the greatest clothing for riding a bike but I feel good in it.

The sun had decided to come out and burn everything, I can literally feel the heat in the air. Even though my hair's in a high ponytail I can still feel beads of sweat on my neck. Gross.

Running my hand over my neck I wiped it on my shorts as I headed into the school, I'm early so I might as well just relax in the food hall until school actually starts. Evan and Avalon were still eating breakfast so I suppose it'll be a while until they get here.

I spotted Luke and Calum at a table near the center of the room and headed over to them, sitting in between the two surprised boys.

'Hey guys. Kinda hot isn't it.'

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