Chapter 20

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I was lying on top of the blankets on my bed, head on Alex's chest. We were just talking about nothing. He decided he didn't want to leave me alone even though I argued that I didn't need to be babysat.

Alex ignored me and made me a peanut-butter sandwich.

When my mom got home she almost had a heart attack, I mean come on. She walked into my room to see me cuddled up with a guy, I also happened to have no pants on.

She was seething until I managed to explain what happened and showed her my bandage, she'd seen my bike outside and eventually calmed down after fetching one of her bathrobes for me to wear.

I heard my mother thanking Alex before he left, it was weird having her actually like one of my guy friends. I pretended to be asleep when she came up to talk to me though, I don't really feel like talking about boys with my mom.

When Evan and Avalon got home my mom must have explained what happened to me because a few minutes after hearing Evan's car my door was pushed open and Avalon was on the bed hugging me tightly.

'Hey, hey, I'm okay. I promise I'm okay.' I said soothingly while rubbing circles on her back, 'It was just a little accident, I promise I'm okay.'

Avalon was at the point of tears by now, 'I'm so sorry Reg, I should have been there.'

'Hey, calm down, there was nothing you could've done and there's nothing for you to be sorry about okay?'


'How bad was it?' Evan asked from my doorway where he'd been watching us.

I stuck out my bandaged leg, 'Not too deep but mom says I'm staying home tomorrow to give it a little time to heal.'

He nodded, 'I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone.'

'It's okay, Alex came and got me.'

'I heard.'

Avalon was still cuddled up in my arms, she must have been so worried about me when mom told her what happened. Avalon cares about her family more than anything, even studying, I remember her bursting into tears when our parents announced they were getting divorced and I remember her coming into my room and asking to sleep in my bed with me the night dad moved out.

My mom and Robert let the three of us eat dinner in my room, Evan told them that they were keeping me company but the truth was that Avalon refused to let me leave her sight and Evan was just worried about both of us.

Soon Avalon fell asleep on my bed and Evan was tired too.

'You can go to bed, I really don't mind.' I said watching his eyes droop.

'What bout Avalon?' She was kinda sprawled out on my bed.

'Let her sleep here, she used to do it a lot when our dad moved out so I don't mind.'

'Okay Reg.' I didn't yell at him for calling me Reg instead of Reggie because honestly, Evan's starting to feel like a real brother not that I'm ready to admit it aloud.

'Can you and Liam keep an eye on her for me tomorrow? Mom won't let me come to school.'

'Sure, you don't mind the guys knowing what happened?'

'Nah, they'll probably be curious anyway.'

He nodded laughing, 'Yeah, night Reg.'

'Nighty night Evan.'

He switched off my bedroom light on his way out.


When I woke up Evan and Avalon had left for school hours ago, my mom was already at the hospital doing her rounds and Robert had gone into his law offices. The house was mine.

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