30 Attack On The Mansion

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• Aria's POV •

Immediately, Louis stood up, pulling me with him and moving back to the window where we had climbed out onto the roof. His phone started ringing and he answered it right away. He ushered me to get back inside.

"Yes. What? What?! How could you let this happen? What dimwits were at the gate? Just fùcking stop them Harry! I'm coming." He practically yelled into his phone as he jumped inside after me.

He grabbed my hand, squeezing so tightly it almost hurt as he pulled me along. He spoke up urgently. "Aria, go to our bedroom and lock yourself inside. Don't come out, whatever you do."

We heard an explosion that sounded like it came from the other side of the house in the front.

"No, I want to stay with you." I argued, following after him when he started hurrying away.

He faced me and gripped my arm so tightly that I thought it might bruise. Then he demanded harshly, "Go to our room, Aria. Now."

"No! I don't want to be alone." I insisted, not put off by his harshness.

"Aria!" He growled, then put the phone to his ear again. "What? I'll be down in a second! Try to hold them off. Do whatever you have to do."

"What's going on?" I wanted to know.

Louis groaned in frustration and took my hand, pulling me down the hall and to a narrow staircase I never used. "We're being attacked."

"By who?" I whispered.

What if it was the royal gaurd? What if they had found me and were trying to rescue me? Louis' men would do anything to hold them off.

"I'm not sure yet." He replied as we rushed down the stairs, taking a back way for some reason.

"Is it my father?" I was afraid to ask.

"It's not. That is for certain." He led me along another hall, one used by mostly the staff.

We were still one floor above the main one. When we reached the front of the house he nudged me away from a window we came upon and he peeked out if it. Gunfire could be heard and I trembled in anxiety.

"Dammit they're headed straight for the house. At least ten vehicles. Aria I need to get you somewhere safe. They could be here for you." Louis said in a worried tone, but he still seemed completely collected as if he were used to this kind of thing, although I supposed he was...

"But I don't want to be alone." I repeated.

"You need to be safe! I'll find Felix so he can guard you." He said and then dialed a number on his phone. "Harry, where's Felix?"

He started walking again. As we passed the window, I caught sight of several black vehicles headed straight for the front door. Night was falling fast and it was growing darker and darker outside. Louis tugged me along the shadowy hallway. Dim wall sconces lit the way.

Then suddenly there was an explosion that rattled the house. A picture frame fell off the wall, crashing onto the floor and I yelped in surprise. Louis clutched my hand tighter and paused and I could see his arm muscles tense.

"That didn't sound good." He murmured, slowly moving forward.

Just then the lights turned off, leaving us in total darkness. Someone had turned off the electricity. I moved closer to Louis and held his arm. He wrapped his arm around me and I found myself feeling safer. Shouts were heard from somewhere and more guns went off.

"They're in the house." Louis whispered and I felt fear shoot up my spine.

We moved quietly through the dark house, listening to the sound of a struggle in the foyer. I assumed they blasted their way inside.

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