Chapter 14

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Blood and tears streamed down your face and stained your shirt. The cold glass of the jar chilled you to the bone. Your hunger stabbed at your stomach, and every part of your body was aching in pain. You were shaking, partly from the glass beneath you, partly from the previous events. You felt so alone, your feelings, thoughts, and pain overwhelmed you, almost entirely blocking out the our side world. The jar was gently lifted and you could almost hear a voice talking but it was drowned out by the ringing in your ears. You felt movement, as if you were being carried swiftly somewhere, you looked up and saw a blurred figure of a person. They ducked behind a corner and slid down into a seated position, you could hear the voice again, it was still unrecognizable through the ringing. The lid was unscrewed and you felt yourself sliding gently into an open palm. The ringing had calmed down and the person spoke again,
"Deru, your bleeding! Can you hear me?" You barely heard the voice, but you still knew who it was. You slowly opened your eyes, and there sat a blurred figure of a green-haired teenage boy, the look of concern evident on his face even though it was barely recognizable through the dizziness and tears. His fingers curled gently around you, in an attempt to comfort your tiny, shivering form. As he stood up he began to speak again, but you could already feel yourself slowly fading into unconsciousness. Despite your strength and sturdy build, you were low on energy and willpower, on top of that you were and inch tall and could only take so much. The heat of Izuku's palm warmed you, the darkness inviting you to visit it once again, tempting you to give in again to its odd comfort, and you listened, giving into it once again.
This time instead of waking up right away you had a dream, though it was more like taunting visions. Bakugo's face flashed through your mind, his words stinging you even in your unconscious state. You could feel fear and sadness take over again as the image of him in your mind flashed over and over. Soon you felt something shake you violently awake, your eyes shot open and you became aware of the water pouring from your eyes and the sweat on your forehead.
You were sitting on a large desk and as you turned your head you jumped at the unexpected image you saw. Midoriya's face was half under the desk, his emerald orbs peered at you with intense worry. One hand tightly gripped the edge of the table while the other was reached out slightly towards you. You had expected the frustrated expression of a certain ash-blonde looming over you, but you were instead met at a level height with giant bright green eyes, filled with concern and possibly even a bit of fear.
"Sorry for waking you so suddenly, you're didn't look like you were doing to good. You've been passed out for a few hours now. You can go back to sleep if you want." His eyes moving were the only sort of expression you could see from him, at least until he raised up a bit so you could see the rest of his face.
"I'm going to go to sleep, see you in the morning." He stood up and started to pull his hand away, you would normally be fine with this but something kicked on in your brain. Almost like a switch had been turned on, one that you didn't even know existed. A sudden urge to be with someone at all times, and your body instinctively stumbled forward and latched itself onto Midoriya's index finger.
"No! I-I... I don't want to be left alone again." You could feel Izuku's wide-eyed gaze staring down at you.
"But... I have to go to sleep," Midoriya said tiredness evident in his voice
"its 1:07 in the morning, and I've- we've got school tomorrow."
"I can sleep with you!" You chimed in looking upwards into his bright green eyes. Midoriya pondered this for a minute before gently pulling his hand away and scooping you up into it. He held you close to his chest as he walked drowsily across the room. As he laid down you could feel him press his hand on top of you, and once again you were pinned under the weight of a massive hand.
This night was a sleepless one, every time you closed your eyes you saw his face, the memory of Bakugo played on repeat over and over again in your head. You could feel tears escaping from your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. All you wanted was for this nightmare to be over, you just wanted everything back to normal.
"Why me... why did it have to be me?" Everything hurt, the pain that swelled inside of you only added to your inability to sleep. On top of everything you were still starving, it had been days since you had eaten. You felt Izuku move his hand off of you, the comforting warmth left you, but only for a moment before it returned. His fingers wrapped around your body and pulled you towards his head, stopping where his neck met his chest. As his hand pulled away you stumbled backwards and fell, earning a light laugh from the teenage boy. The sound resonated from beneath you, but it wasn't as unsettling as you thought it would have been. You felt at peace for once, and despite the fact that you couldn't sleep, you felt the closet to it than you had been all night.
Before you knew it the alarm clock was ringing in your ears, and a loud slamming sound was heard before the beeping was ceased. You jumped at the sudden noise and then again at a giant hand in front of you. As Midoriya wrapped his fingers around you once again he spoke,
"What am I gonna do with you while I'm in school?" He directed it more towards himself but you answered him anyway.
"I'm coming with you! You are NOT leaving me here!" Your muffled voice sounded from inside his closed hand.
"Ok fine." He said as he sat up. You heard the opening of a drawer and panic struck through your brain. He lowered his hand and placed you down on the inside of the makeshift 'prison' as you liked to call it. As he pulled away you made an attempt to jump and grab onto his hand again, but you were low on energy and sleep and your efforts were easily overpowered by gravity. You landed square on your back and the collision with the floor sent pain flowing through you once again. You looked up once more to see Izuku's face, which was filled with concern, before you were once again plunged into darkness.
"I'll be back soon, I promise." You heard his voice which was soon followed by retreating footsteps and the sound of the door opening and closing. You laid on the floor in total darkness, no light whatsoever peeked in through cracks and crevices. After what felt like forever the sound of the door and more footsteps were heard.
"I'm back. I brought you something to eat." Midoriya said as the desk drawer was pulled open. Light suddenly flooded into view, and temporarily blinded you, but after your eyes adjusted you saw Midoriya peering at you with a joyed expression. You turned over onto your side and curled up in a ball.
"I'm not hungry." You told him, which the both of you knew was a lie, especially your stomach, which despite your orders not to groaned extremely loud. Midoriya reached his hand down next to you and began stroking your back with his index finger.
"Are you petting me?" You asked as you turned your head to look at him. His face turned a bright shade of red,
"Uhh n-no I w-was just—" he cut off his awkward stuttering and sighed
"I was just trying to make sure you were ok." He really did care about you, but you had been too scared to admit it. You sat upwards and looked up at him once again, smiling softly.
"Ok I need to shut the drawer again real quick, is that ok?" You frowned but nodded anyway, you trusted him more than anyone else right now. He slid the drawer shut, but made sure there was enough light for you to see. You heard a few more drawers open and close as well as hangers in a closet sliding back and forth. The drawer opened again a few minutes later, and you looked up to see Izuku in his uniform.
He reached his hand down in the drawer towards you. Your chest was pinned lightly between his forefinger and thumb as he lifted you out, but this time instead of being placed on a desk he brought you towards the inside of his blazer and slid you inside the pocket that had been conveniently placed there. Midoriya grabbed his backpack and left his dorm room and for the first time in a while you felt yourself relax. Your tensed muscles calmed down, finally you felt safe and stress free. As he ran down the pavement to the main school building his blazer swayed a bit from the wind blowing past him, further claiming you down to an almost sleep-like state. Almost.
This chapter took longer than expected, however I do have a relative idea of how I want chapter 15 to go so that should go a bit quicker. I procrastinated a lot to write this. I really should be studying for a vocabulary quiz right now buuuuuuuut writing fanfiction is way more fun. Anyways you better have a beautiful day you beautiful person. Peace out my children.
ÒwÓ yeet

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