4: ruby tuesday

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I knew my intoxicated body would talk for me as I laid on Harry's shoulder about to fall asleep. I knew I would have to pack and figuring out what to do with my job or leaving Remi by herself to pay for everything and do everything would be hard. I drank for a reason tonight, to relax and forget. All of those problems would show up later and I'd deal with them. But at this moment, Harry finally walked back into my life and I couldn't just let him go.

I could see him smirking when I looked up at him. "Do you know where my house is? Tomorrow I can get everything ready."

"Address?" He spoke softly. I told him as he locked the numbers into the GPS. We began going back to my place, I just needed sleep for the night. The car moving was making me sleepy as I continued to lay my head on Harry's shoulder. I don't think he minded, she seems happy about it.

"I don't know what I am going to tell my boss or tell Remi. Thinking about that is giving me all a headache," I told him bluntly. I needed help with the subject.

"I can leave cash for Remi, or if you want you can give what you have and I'll take care of you during the time. Don't worry about that," he said instantly, it seems being rich solves any problems in his world. "And for your job, I will show up there if you need me to. I have all day tomorrow until about five."

I nodded before moving my head more onto his shoulder and began to slowly drift to be unconscious.

✧ ✧ ✧

I woke up the next morning in my soft sheets. I didn't remember getting here. I tried to open my eyes as the headache from a hangover rushed to my head. I winced, holding my head and shoving my face back into a pillow.

Taking a deep breath, I got ready for any pain about to happen and hopped out of bed quickly. I looked around as Harry was nowhere to be seen. On my nightstand, I saw a note.

I met Remi, she almost passed out. I didn't stay, you wanted me to but it was better if I didn't. I needed to get back to the boys. I'll be at your place around one to help you pack and get everything organized, love. Can't wait to see you again. H.

I snorted when I read Remi almost passed out. She's sometimes so dramatic, but who could blame her, he's smoking. I didn't remember asking him to spend the night with me. I may have been drunk talking in my sleep, when I drink I am a very honest drunk gal. I put the note down to look at the clock. Fuck. It was twelve twenty. I zoomed to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a lot of work to do, I pulled out a makeup wipe and wiped anything smeared on my face. I started the shower and ran back to pick up my phone and put my playlist on shuffle. Rolling Stones began to play, of course. I popped some Advil in for my headaches which usually helped.

I got into the steaming shower as my back was burnt first and then my legs, the worst part of showers. I scrubbed my skin with a loofah as fast as possible and drenched my hair under the water. I decided to shave as well, even though time was limited.

"Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday. Who could hang a name on you? When you change with every new day, still I'm gonna miss you," I sang along to my phone, trying to get negative thoughts out of my head.

In a matter of minutes, my shower was complete and I was racing to my room to find an outfit. I brushed my hair aggressively and quickly before pinning it up in a bun and applying makeup to my face. I checked the time as he should get here in seconds. I walked over to my bed, fixing the mattress and sheets, one of my biggest pet peeves of a bed not being fixed after sleeping. I grabbed my suitcase from under my bed and plopped it on my bed, at least I looked a little more organized then forty minutes ago.

Two Ghosts // h.s.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें