14:: you can't always get what you want

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After the bath and getting dressed, Harry was in a way better mood than before. He knew everything I said wasn't what I meant. He knew I love him. He knew he treated me wrong. That was all he needed to know and what was correct.

A hand touched my hip as I hopped up in fear from the action. Harry chuckled lowly before bending down and kissing my cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course. I was just frustrated at you, everything is fine though. I just needed to relax and calm down." I shook it all off with a smile, bent down trying to pick out a shirt to wear. "I was being overdramatic in total though my point of view."

Harry's hand continued to massage my shoulder, my body leaning into it. "I am sorry, love."

"I know," I mumbled and sighed. "You were a dick too but I knew it was only because you were hurt badly and upset about me bringing up your sister but you're going to have to move on soon. I know it's been like sixteen years but she would want you to not forget about her but to not be so upset with her."

"I know. I wasn't upset because of her. I was just making myself build more hate for Lucas on top of it all. He really fucked everything up," he shook his head and held me closer to his chest from his arms wrapping around my torso.

I looked behind me to see water droplets falling down his forehead from this all. I kissed his lips lightly and nodded. "You'll be okay, I know you will. But he probably knows what he did, he probably knows your name since everyone does."

He scoffed. "I guess. I just want him to feel the pain I did by losing her but that's not such a humanly thing to do. I learned that and realized how terrible of a person that made me so I tried to calm down. Obviously, I'm in a better mood and most of that was because of you. Thank you, baby."

I leaned my head into his neck with a smile. "Now I need to get dressed. We are having dinner with your mum and family, I don't want to make a disaster of myself in front of them so leave and help your mum with groceries downstairs."

He groaned loudly. "Fine, I'll be downstairs."

I hummed before picking a shirt out to match with my jeans. I threw one on and touched up with a little bit of makeup so my face didn't look like a walking zombie up close.

"Arabella! My lovely mother needs you down here as soon as possible!" I hear Harry scream up the stairs from below.

I added chapstick and ran towards the stairs skipping down the last three like I did when I was little and jumped. "Yes?"

Anne instantly smiled. "Is there any way you can help me with dinner, love?"

"Of course!" I became giddy. Cooking and baking were secretly my favorites as well as when I was stressed out to help relax me. Remi lived off of my cooking in Seattle.

"Harry, love. Could you clean up the counter? I didn't know I made that much of a mess before I left the house today," Anne sighed, pointing to the table.

Harry smirked, looking at me. I blushed instantly before walking over to Anne and clearing my throat. This was Harry's childhood home and even mine and I literally didn't think like a fucking four-year-old that Harry would be between my legs on the island counter. I closed my eyes and giggled to myself at the thought. I threw paper towels at Harry as he ran them under some water and cleaned the counter and rearranged the rest of the bowls and other items.

"Harry, your father will be home tonight. I am expecting we all have dinner together tonight?" Anne looked him in the eyes, waiting for a nod or answer from him.

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