19:: going home

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"I will have my phone on me at all times if you get into a rut. If you do, please just call me Arabella. I fucking mean it, if you don't I will be very upset," Harry warned me as I tried not to giggle at his fuming anger.

"I will call you, baby. Can I please get on the plane now?" I ask and show him my phone jokingly.

He nodded before taking me into a hug and holding me tight. I didn't want this to end. I really wanted Harry to come to Seattle with me, but we are here for him and his future career that starts today in meetings. I didn't want my selfishness getting in the way of his career that he already keeps talking about.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear as his breath tickles me.

I giggle slightly. "I love you. And I will see you soon okay? Don't miss me too much, baby."

"I think that is impossible for me not to do," he tells me with a smile as I walk onto the plane.

I wave to him one last time and blew a kiss before walking to my seat. I put my hand on the window and waited until the plane took off to make eye contact with him so far away. I felt so luxurious while using a private jet that Harry would use during One Direction which made me feel like I didn't deserve this all. I always felt bad anytime that Harry would spend his money on me, he always told me it was because he finally had someone to but I felt like he was just trying to be kind to me. I always wanted to be independent and I always have felt like people think I am just using him.

Harry waved to me one more time before the plane went off into the air. It was awkward being on a plane all by myself without anyone for the company and especially to not have Harry as my company. I pulled out my book I packed and began to read in order to take my mind off of things. My eyes began to water at the sweet parts of the book that made me think of Harry and how I already couldn't have been far away from him. This is unhealthy, right? I need to have my own time away from Harry. It has to happen. We have been together every day for so many months that we needed this. I needed to see my own world again and figure things out.

✧ ✧ ✧

I thank everyone on the plane before I exit and wave one last time. A man named Charles helped me with my luggage to a taxi. It was already odd-smelling the air and reminding me of home again.

"Thank you so much, Charles. You've been lovely," I smiled and tipped him the cash I had in my pocket.

He backed away from the cash and put his hands up. "No need to ma'am. Mr. Styles already tipped me, thank you very much though."

I smiled embarrassingly and waved goodbye to him. Goddamnit Harry. I took a deep breath as I got into a taxi and started pulling out my phone. I instantly forgot that I haven't told the driver where I needed to go. "If you could drop me off at James Street that would be amazing, sir."

"Sure thing," the lady spoke back to me and started the drive onto the road.

A: you really paid the luggage man named Charles for me? i could have done that Harry.

I slid my phone into my pocket and looked back out the window. I missed the city so much and I was glad that I was able to explore New York, but Seattle will always have a place in my heart. My eyes fluttered shut from how tired I was on the plane as I imagined many different scenarios of how today was going to go. In the middle of nowhere, the driver pulled to the side and dropped me off.

"Thank you," I spoke quietly as I handed her cash.

"Anytime," she smiled and drove away after I got everything out of the car and onto the sidewalk.

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