7:: fool to cry

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I haven't thought about Gemma in a while. I occupied my time and self with my music and distractions all my life. I forgot Arabella was there with me. It was even a month before she left England that the incident happened. I still become weak whenever I think about it.

"I miss Gemma a lot actually," I mentioned quietly, whispering to Arabella. "I think I haven't had time to just relax and think. I haven't seen her gravestone since I was thirteen. I became rebellious due to it all and then I just stopped."

"Did you go after Lucas?" She spoke softly to me. When I hear the name of him, I always cringe on reflex.

"He caused her to become depressed enough but not to actually do the deed. She was the one that committed to it. She planned it all out for us to stay downstairs for fucking hide and seek and then put the upstairs off limits. She had a good twenty minutes before we'd find her and that's when she bled to death," I broke my voice towards the end after becoming aggressive in the beginning. "It doesn't matter, I shouldn't be crying."

"Hey hey," she pushed her self up from laying on me and grabbed my face with her hand. "I know I was overdramatic about my whole situation but you haven't even thought about her in a while. Of course you'll be sad. Boys can cry."

"Boys are told not to cry," I whispered to me while wiping my eyes.

"I don't care," she sat next to me instead. "That was something traumatic that you witnessed. I'm sorry you ever had to go through that. You didn't deserve it at all. None of your family did, I didn't understand how hard with was for you when you were little to go through that all. A month before I left. I am sorry."

"Arabella," I sighed before pulling her tightly into my own arms. I loved this women. "I want to see her gravestone again one day. I just don't have time."

"Harry, I'll go with you. We can fly out there, I don't care but we need to look at her gravestone. It's something important to you and you haven't in eleven years. Bring flowers to her, Daisy's even," she reassured me with a smile. Daisy's were Gemma's favorite, she had them all over her walls that she would paint. She was such a great painter.

I took a deep breath and looked down at the ground. "I need to get back to my music. Forget about this all."

"That's not a good idea Harry. You can't turn and run away from problems or your emotions," she started before I stopped her and got up from the stone ground.

"Enough. I've hid my feelings away from the moment she died and the moment you left my life. I had nobody by my side. I just stopped feeling everything. Everything was okay though after I hit sixteen and sang on TV. I just hide my life on the inside and become a different person on the outside. With you though, I let you in," I whispered the ending to her with a smile.

Her glossy eyes looked up at mine before I kneeled to the ground, continuing to stare into her eyes. Her lips fell from the smile, her lips open and puffy, mine became the same before I grabbed the side of her neck in my hand. In a matter of seconds, we both smashed our lips together. The taste of her lips were so sweet and intoxicating that I couldn't get enough. My hands went into the back of her hair as hers went to my chest. Our mouths searched for each other's, I never felt this type of passion for someone. This women owned my heart, body and soul. If I were to go to heaven, I would ask for a refund if she wasn't there.

I pulled away from the kiss before anything else could happen. Her breathing started to slow down while she looked down at the ground. I smiled and licked my lips. This women.

She took a deep breath. "Wow."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself," I giggled at her reaction and smiled. Her lips were where I wanted to stay forever till the end of time.

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