13:: out of control*

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The plane ride back to London was relaxing. I was never scared of flying when I was younger. Harry took a nap the whole time while I watched a documentary about plastic in the ocean. When the pilot came on over the intercom, I shook Harry a little to wake him up.

"Baby, we're landing," I whispered in his ear before I felt his hand make its way into mine. He hummed in response as he rubbed his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head of hair and leaned back while the plane landed safely.

We left safely and grabbed our luggage before leaving in a limo that waited for us. Immediately, I noticed the steering wheel on the other side of the car. I haven't been in London since I moved. I know for a fact I wanted to visit Gemma's grave, I never asked Harry though. I know he hasn't seen it since her funeral because of how busy he's been with music and his career.

"Harry?" I questioned lightly, hoping that when I asked him he wouldn't start yelling. He hummed in response, looking at me with his lips curled. "Do you think we could go visit Gemma's grave?"

Instantly, I saw the look in his eyes change from joyful to broken. He looked away, shaking his head no. "You can see it if you want, I'm not going."

"Harry, you haven't seen her grave in ages since you were a little boy. It would be healthy if you were to go," I told him encouragingly. I was hoping it would change something in his mind. "Maybe we can all go, your mum and dad as well as you and I?"

"Arabella Stone, I stated that I didn't want to go see my sister's grave. I don't want to feel that guilt that I've pushed down so far. It's too much of a risk to let that all float back in my mind. Please, just drop the subject before I get out of this car," he seriously spoke with his hand massaging his forehead as he looked out the window.

I sighed and looked out of my side seeing the city. I hated not being able to help him with the guilt he felt. There shouldn't be guilt he feels when it wasn't his fault at all. I opened my phone and received an unknown text from a number. I opened it to see a text from Anne.

Unknown: Darling Arabella! I can't wait to see you and my baby when you visit for the week! I haven't seen you in ages, you're such a beautiful young lady when I see you photos online. Ah! Text me when you're on your way here, love. xoxo Anne:)

Holy shit, she's the sweetest lady in the world. I smiled and texted back immediately.

Me: Anne! I missed you so much when I was living in Seattle! I can't wait to see you, we are actually about thirty minutes away. Our plane landed early, I thought Harry would have told you. All the love in the world, A.

Harry looked over my shoulder and scoffed. "Now you stole the way I end all my messages and everything? You're killing me, Arabella."

"Calm down, Styles," I shook my head. "You didn't even text your mother we were on our way."

"Because you distracted me with bringing up Gemma. Now I am in a mood and just want to leave or sleep. I don't want to see my mum," he sighed and brought me instant guilt for even mentioning her name.

"Har-" I started before he shook his head and cut me off.

"No, Arabella. I don't wanna talk. I want to get there and just go to my room and sleep," he shouted at me and turned away.

I shook my head and continued to look down at my phone. I clicked Instagram and went through my feed as I waited to get out of this car with Harry and his mood. For what felt like it took years, we arrived outside of Harry's childhood home. I walked out of the car and went to the back to grab the luggage. Harry moved me out of the way and handed me a suitcase before taking the rest of them inside himself. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the house as Anne instantly opened the door.

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