9:: start me up*

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God, she's everything I wanted in my life. I walked into the bathroom to calm my breathing down. All I could think about was the way she acted just then. We were moving fast and it was needed in my life. I needed someone I fell for to love me back.

I splashed water onto my face to try and clear my mind quickly before walking out in front of the boys. I dried my skin and walked out, adjusting my pants and sat down in one of the chairs.

Louis's eyes were on me until I locked eyes of mine with his. He looked away down while I scoffed and rubbed my eyes. "Is your girlfriend okay?"

"You need to stop pissing her off and treat her nicely. She's here to stay, Louis," I snapped back with my fingers still rubbing my eyes.

"You don't have to be such a dick about it, Harold," Louis rolled his eyes while I scoffed back at him.

"Lately, I am beginning to think you're just the jealous kind and I am sick and tired of listening to you just downgrading people. Until you stop coming at me and verbally just attacking Arabella, just don't talk to me. Talk to me when you have changed, thank you." I stated and walked away.

"Harry, I think you need to calm down," Liam raised his voice and stood up putting a hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath before shaking my head. "I'll be in the room with Arabella. She's sleeping so keep your voices down. I'm gonna make some more lyrics for upcoming songs."

I walked into the back of the bus as I heard whispers from Niall. "Great job, Lou. This is why Harry is always pissed off is because of you. Don't go after his girl, I don't think you understand how much she means to him. He hasn't even been able to sleep because of her but now because they are finally together he can. Just stop being a prick."

"Niall, you just don't understand," Louis sighed before I walked into the room where Arabella slept.

I looked at her once I closed the door behind me, her lips open partly while she snored softly. Her eyes moved back and forth under her eyelids while she mumbled words in her sleep. God, she's adorable. I smiled to myself while leaning down behind her to kiss her shoulder softly. She hummed when I walked away to the chair across the room. I grabbed my notebook and a pen on my lap and opened it to a brand new page.

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you.

Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down.

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart.

For when you're lonely and forget who you are.

I would do anything for this girl. I know she would do the same.

I hummed the lyrics I wrote down on the top of my head before shaking my head. It was missing things in between. I continued to hum until I heard a little voice across the room from the most beautiful girl in the world. "Harry?"

My head shot up quickly and gave a smile, smacking my notebook together. "Hey, love."

"How long was I out for?" She asked, closing her eyes again and laying back down on the fluffy blanket she curled up with.

I checked the clock on my wrist. "Eh, five."

She hummed in response and looked over at the notebook in my lap. "What were you writing?"

"Music. Nothing good at the moment. I was throwing random lyrics down. I was thinking when you were asleep that when we stop tonight you'd want to go explore around. Maybe we can go to a park, a club or a party? Where ever you want, Arabella," I smiled walking towards her while kissing the top of her head.

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