8:: under my thumb*

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I woke up with Harry's body on top of mine, my breathing increasing from the weight on my tiny body. I would move him but he looked so peaceful and happy laying there I don't want to wake him up. His small snores made me smile before I finally began to sweat. I felt the bus moving, one thing I never noticed, looks like I am on the road with them now.

"Harry," I whispered loudly before I heard a groan. "I think we should get up."

He groaned again before rolling off of me and onto his back. I laughed at how overdramatic he was with his mornings. I got up to my knees before laying my body on top of Harry's.

His eyes opened slowly meeting with mine each and every time. "Good morning love."

My heart fluttered every time he called me love. "Good morning Harry."

He hummed while smiling at me. He groaned before looking at the clock beside us. My eyes followed where his went as I saw eleven thirty five. His eyes widened before his breathing hitched. "I slept a little too long. The boys are going to kill me."

"Harry, it's fine we are on the road," I mention as he hopped up. His body toned as I admired each of his tattoos quickly. He shook his head before grabbing a shirt from his drawer and threw it on.

I rolled my eyes and fell back on the bed. The door opened and closed as I sensed Harry left. I sighed, this felt like a one night stand where nothing actually happened. I curled up under the covers again and resumed to the peaceful sleeping state I originally was in.

✧ ✧ ✧

I was awaken by loud singing down the hall an hour later. I groaned, covering my ears from their high pitched voices they continued to do on purpose. I looked over at the clock which read two fifteen. I slowly got up and walked over to my clothing. I picked out a flannel with a black tank top and leggings. I threw my hair in a bun before walking out to see the boys all on the couches as the bus moved.

"Arabella!" Niall shouted once I was in his view. I looked up from the ground with a smile before he ran after and tackled me.

"Niall, I miss you," I smiled, hugging him back. Harry's eyes met with mine before his eyebrows furrowed and he looked down.

Everyone was silent around me except Niall and Liam who were gossiping since my arrival. I walked over to the cabinets that Harry showed me where snacks were, I opened the one with the built in mini fridge and grabbed carrots.

"I-I just came out here for food. I didn't mean to bother you guys," I nervously spoke before turning around and heading back towards the room. I could feel Louis glance on me the whole time which made my face become bright red.

When I tried to close the door, a hand blocked my strength. I turned around to see Harry standing there with puppy eyes. "May I speak to you?"

I rolled my eyes and let him in. "Of course, why wouldn't I let you in?"

"Because I was an asshole this morning for ditching you. I shouldn't have gotten upset at you for thinking of how the boys would think of me. I showed up and they could careless. They were actually happy I got sleep for once-" he began to rant and apologize until I stopped his abruptly.

"Harry, you haven't been sleeping?" I whispered worriedly, looking up at him.

He looked down and shook his head. "That's a conversation for later. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the way I acted this morning. I know you were just trying to be kind and I was an ass to you."

I walked over to him and lifted up his head before pressing my lips to his. His lips against mine felt like sparks flying around from sparklers. His lips were so smooth as I kissed his gently until I removed to breathe and missed them against mine. I pressed my lips against his again but this time more aggressive. His tongue finally slid into my mouth as I pushed him against the wall of the bus. I dropped the carrots from my hands onto the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him as close as possible to me. He grabbed my jaw before pulling our lips away and moving down my neck. I looked up at the ceiling knowing this was going too far already.

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