18:: worried about you

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My eyes opened to the light from the daytime hitting through the windows. It wasn't sunny but the clouds were still bright enough with no curtains to wake me up. The rain was all over the windows which made me smile of the rainy weather, I was able to get good songwriting done for the day then.

I turned to my side to see my beautiful girl sleeping soundly. Her shoulder was showing from the covers as her hand was under her face. Her lips were parted softly as soft baby snores would come from her here and then. I closed my eyes and rubbed them before chuckling to myself and throwing the covers to the side. I walked out to the living room and stretched before I grabbed my phone and connected to Bluetooth in order to play music in the house as I woke up. I checked the fridge before I realized no food was in the house. I grabbed my phone quickly in order to order food to our place for Arabella to wake up to.

Music quietly played through the place as I grabbed a glass of water to drink while I waited for food. It was our first night in the new place that Arabella wouldn't stop talking about how much she loved. I wanted that girl to have everything she's ever wanted and to spoil her as much as I could.

After a while of checking my phone, the doorbell rang. I gave the guy cash at the door and grabbed my food from him. Arabella always ate eggs in the morning for breakfast with a small bottle of orange juice, I added hash browns for her just in case.

"Hello," a raspy voice spoke from the doorway of the bedroom.

My eyes looked up immediately as I smiled. "Good morning, love."

"Did you order breakfast?" she pointed out and took the plate of eggs with hash browns and a bottle of orange juice. "That was very thoughtful of you."

"We have no food in the house and need to go shopping for some so I just ordered food since I knew you'd be hungry," I mention and shrugged while I buttered a piece of toast I ordered.

"Thank you," she whispered before grabbing a plastic fork and shoving hash browns into her mouth. I handed her a napkin just in case and continued to eat my eggs and ham.

We ate with the music playing and looked out of the window of our place. The buildings of the city were visible as well as the sun trying to peek through the rainy clouds.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked quietly to break the silence of us eating.

"Well," she swallowed her food, patting her face with a napkin before continuing. "We need to have some groceries so I was hoping we could make a list of things we definitely need so I don't forget any. And then maybe we could look around the city if it gets nicer, if not we could have a wine and dine type of night I guess in our new place."

"Sounds lovely, would you like to get ready while I clean up?" I suggested as her normal face went to a smile.

"Why are you so cheery this morning, I haven't seen you like this in a long time," she mentioned with her arms crossed and leaning back in her swivel chair.

"Because I finally get to start a chapter of my life with you," I smiled and walked over, kissing her forehead to show my love and endearment of how much that woman means to me. She smiled back and leaned into my chest as I kissed her. She sighed and shook her head which caused my mood to switch quickly due to the way she was reacting. "What? What is wrong? Did I say something that bothered you, I thought we were set on this."

"I need to go back to Seattle and collect all myself, switch my job, talk to my mother and say goodbye to Remi. I tried to do it all over the phone just so I had to collect my stuff and Remi could move in with her other best friend Jamie. I just need to fly back there and I was nervous to tell you because I would have to be leaving you in order to go back there. Your job starts soon and I don't want you procrastinating and running away from it just for me," she explained with fear of what I would say in her eyes. I completely forgot she had a life back in Seattle before she met me again and that her family lived back there as well.

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