10:: angie

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My heart was racing from the adrenaline with Harry. I sat there uncomfortable wanting relief but was brought joy with the happiness radiating off of him. He was jumping along to the music as my tipsy self was beginning to get tired.

"Harry, I'm sleepy," I whispered, my head falling onto his shoulders wanting to take a nap and sleep.

"We are almost there, baby," he smiled while kissing my head and driving a little bit faster than normal. I waited for him to lean his head into mine.

I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep from the smoothness of the road, Harry turned the music off and hummed to music instead. His humming calmed my body down to relax and fall asleep faster. I kept my eyes closed due to the relaxation Harry provided for me in the dark car on the highway.

All I knew was right when I got back, I would change and put a sweatshirt and sweatpants on our of this scratchy dress from the club. Finally, the car stopped and shut off as the lights flickered on. The lights turning on in a car after a peaceful nap is the worst fucking thing on the planet. I felt Harry's lips pressed on top of my forehead before I opened my eyes and met with his green ones.

He had a smiling face. "Wake up, I'll get you inside and I can wipe the makeup off for you. Just find some cozy clothing, okay?"

I nodded in agreement as I walked out of the car with my droopy eyes. Harry opened the door for me while I walked in and went straight to the bedroom, passing the boys. I went through random drawers before I grabbed a random t-shirt and shorts.

I threw my dress on the ground as Harry closed the door quickly. "The boys could have seen you, you know?"

I shrugged and threw the clothes on while Harry's eyes stayed on me the whole time. I grabbed wipes and took off my makeup as Harry got changed. I jumped onto the bed after and watched Harry's abs flex with the movements of switching shirts. My mouth felt like it was drooling over his beauty.

His eyes landed on me as I patted the bed. "Can we cuddle please?"

"Of course," he spoke back quietly, turning the light off next to the door so the room was now pitch black. He began throwing the covers on the other side and sliding under the blankets. "Arabella?"

"Hmmm?" I hummed in response.

"I don't know if you feel the same. But I love you. I always have as a young child and my love has grown. When you feel it, you feel it. Everything has happened so fast but I don't care. That's my feeling and I become attached quickly, it's the worst trait of me because it hurts me in the end. I'm sorry if that scares you off. But I don't want to share you, I just want to be with you," he gushed and kissed my forehead, wrapping his arms and legs around me to become tangled with mine.

My heart fluttered from the sweet words he continued to gush at me. I've always loved Harry, all my life. You can run into your true love at any time, and yes I know I was young but he was the love of my life at that moment and on.

"Harry, I love you," I whispered with my heart pounding and my tipsy self freaking out inside.

"Really?" Harry's voice became high pitched like a kid opening a Christmas present. "You love me?"

I turned around so my body was facing his. "Of course. I always have. I always will. No matter what, handsome boy."

He pecked my nose with a kiss. "That makes me really happy and secure."

"I'm glad," I kissed his lips gently and began to smile from the giddy feeling I began to have. His green eyes glowed in the darkness of the room. His bright white teeth shined with his smile as he pulled me closer to him. "I can't believe I was able to see you again in my lifetime, it's a blessing." I rolled my eyes before kissing his cheek and cuddling into him, my head on his chest. "Thank you for the present in the car."

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