20:: when the whip comes down

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His smile scared me the most after I spoke his name. He walked towards me, my heart racing faster than it ever had before, even from the first time I saw him in ages. Having my mother beside me was terrifying because I didn't know what would happen to her since no children were around and my childhood was basically screaming as well as cheating and fights.

"Arabella, I haven't seen you in ages," he told me with his words slurred throughout the sentence.

"You're drunk?" I asked with disbelief and scoffed afterward. His nod only confirmed my anger that was boiling inside. "Of course you are. You can't have a fucking civil conversation at all?"

"Don't raise your voice or swear at me!" he screamed loudly for the whole neighborhood to hear it felt like.

"Don't scream," I spoke through my teeth. I hated this interaction. I hate to have his interaction and words with me influenced by alcohol.

"I am an adult. I can do what I want to because I am grown up compared to you," he scoffed, his feet tripping over one another as he walks towards me slowly. "You are still a child. You have no right to raise your voice and tell me what to do."

"Shouldn't I be saying that the other way around? You come into my life and still try and tell me what to do even though you left seventeen years ago. You had your own little family that you left for a brighter and better one in your eyes. Why can't you just see that we don't want you here anymore?" I tried to explain with a fake smile plastered to my face.

"My family is none of your business," he rolled his eyes from my statement which ends up taking my breath away.

"I was your family!" I scream angrily as if he forgot the time that he had with me when I was little. "You were always just too focused on your own life without me and my mum. I can't believe you!"

"Inside," he stated and pointed to the door.

I scoffed. He acted like he was still the boss of me. I didn't trust him going to the house because it is more private there as well, arguing in the public could help him think of not putting his hands on me. I shook my head and felt my mother's appearance close by in case she needed to barge in. She knew I've had a lot to say to him in my life.

"I'd like to stay out in the public," I tell him, crossing my arms and standing in my place.

He rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me? Bella, you need to relax. You are being so overdramatic, I wanted to talk to you and try to get back into your life but you won't let me in."

"This is what you wanted to do? This was the discussion you wanted to have with our daughter that you wouldn't tell me about?" My mother stood up for herself and walked closer to him. "If I knew your brilliant plan that you wanted to get back into our daughter's life, I would have just never contacted her or I would have sent you somewhere else as a fake address or something."

"I want to meet my daughter again, I want to be in Ella's life again. Heather, please," he whined like a five-year-old which made me shake my head.

I don't want him back into my life. I am finally happy again and I don't want any of it fucked up. His words made me sick that he wanted to get back into my life. I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach at the moment with everything going on.

"It is Arabella. I don't answer or respond to any nicknames from people who I don't want in my life," I snapped. "Why now? Why not a year after you left? I was still young enough to allow you back in."

"Why can't you just forgive?" he begged.

"I have forgiven you for everything. I just haven't forgotten," I responded to his question. He needed to get out of my life. I didn't like this.

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