16:: let's spend the night together*

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Later that night, Harry and I walked into the house of the Andersons. I gripped onto Harry's shirt and suit to hold closer to me like I was going to lose him in a crowd of many people. God, I needed alcohol. Old Arabella would have partied already and been drunk before I got here like I was with the clubs. A girl changes a lot in five or six months when on the road for four months straight. Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of me the whole entire time as I continued to follow him around.

Harry glanced down at me with a smile and giggled to himself. He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear before slowly coming back up. "Just follow my lead and maybe we can sneak away and have some fun in the bathroom?"

My ears perked up as I looked at him excited. I felt like a teenager who was doing illegal things behind my parents backs when it's just goofing around with Harry. This was such a wrong setting but I needed my nerves calmed down in a setting like this. For a girl who comes from an average middle class family who was a little strict with money, I wasn't use to people like this in this type of setting.

"Later?" I asked him and he nodded. I literally can't with this man. Harry grabbed a glass of champagne from a table and handed it to me before grabbing one for himself. He took a sip as my eyes widened. "You'll be drinking tonight? I haven't seen you drink in a long time."

"I just need to relax is all," he calmly spoke in his British accent sending shivers down my back in a good way. I nodded and kissed his cheek before gulping down the amazing champagne. I knew I was in a classy place when the champagne is super expensive. Harry had his feelings wide open as he was on alert the whole entire time we were talking in the corner. People passed by multiple times and introduced themselves.

Harry's parents finally showed up but never met up with us. "God, I didn't even have to show up for them not to notice. They kind of just want me to have a good reputation and be more family friendly out and about with them all the time. We are the youngest ones here."

He grabbed another glass of champagne. I knew I was going to have to care for him tonight if he continued this, he will be a lightweight only because he hasn't drank in ages.

I patted his back and shook my head. "They only want what is best for you, love. We can always leave soon if you're really bothered."

"As soon as possible would be amazing Arabella," he panicked while saying his statement quickly before taking a deep breath and grabbing my hands with his. He looked me in the eyes, I instantly could have melted on the floor. "You're so beautiful."

I think any girl would faint if Harry Styles spoke those words to them. I giggled and blushed from the sweet words as his lips turned into a smile from the affects he knew he had on me.

"Harry," I tell him with a cheesy smile before giggling. "You're going to make me blush."

"Blush then, you should know how gorgeous you are and how special and lucky I am to have a beautiful women on my arm tonight and forever," he whispered to my ear and kissed my cheek.

He leaned against the bar table we stood by and ate some of the food from the table itself. Tipsy Harry really enjoys complementing and saying what is on his mind. "Why are you so nervous, babe?"

"Press, I guess. I don't know. I don't like this type of setting. It makes me have anxiety and anxious to leave. I'm forced into these no matter what but always there are news stories online that talk about how nice it is that I come and support family friends. I don't know these people though, my family does but not me," he explained while shaking his head and popping another cheese block into his mouth.

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