Saturday, July 27th 7:14 am

26 2 0

Walking back to the apartment, I observe the town waking up. People were out leisurely walking their dogs. Restaurants were receiving their deliveries. Commuters emerged from or hailed cabs from the sidewalk, hastily rushing toward their destination. As part of my cool down, I walk slower. Once back at the apartment, I take the stairs. It's time for coffee and some laundry.

Unlocking the door, I find Anna sitting with a bowl of cereal slurping a bite. Her legs crossed as if prepared for storytime. "Mer, you've got to see this!" She exclaims as if the sky is falling. I know what she wants to show me. The show is set to record Monday through Friday. She has a bit of an addiction.

"I can't believe you watch those shows. It's nothing like the heavy real-world stuff we see."

"Shut up. Come sit. I'll rewind it for you."

"Maybe tomorrow. I need to do laundry." People's Court can wait.

"Grab your coffee and sit. You have hours before you need to get ready for tonight," she sends me a pointed glare. Rolling my eyes, I pour the heavenly steamy liquid in my usual mug, adding two heaping spoonful of raw sugar and some milk. Before I finish stirring the contents, she pipes up, "So, you want to tell me what went on between you and Andre last night?" The spoon I was using to stir clunks loudly in the sink as I turn around instantly to address Anna.

"Nothing. I don't know why you think something happened. He just sat down next to me and struck up a conversation." Word vomit, please stop now!

Pointing her spoon at me and narrowing her eyes, "Ah-but my Meredith doesn't do conversations with strangers. You must find him attractive." She returns her spoon to her bowl, lifting a large bite of some multi-colored substance to her mouth. Milk seeps from the corners of her mouth.

I shrug in response turning to the now riveting television to try and hide my blush. Seriously, I'm not dead. Of course, I found him handsome.

She snorts, "Yeah, whatever. You're flustered. I've only seen you do that one time before and that's when our professor asked if you cheated on one of the exams because he'd never had anyone get a perfect score before."

"I didn't cheat!" I hammer in frustration from having to defend myself over the issue to that professor.

"I know that, you nerd! He had a boner for you and tried to sabotage your grade because you weren't interested. That's not the point I'm trying to make." She pauses to breathe, "You're rambling. You don't do that normally. So, get your ass over here and spill." She talks while chewing the food and points her spoon to the counter. Gross!

I bring the warm, robust scented drink to my lips pondering the need to just let go and tell her everything. Could she handle it? Would my best friend take pity on me or believe somehow it was my fault I didn't do more? My thoughts bleed to the blood on my hands, and the danger that lurks around every corner. No, I can't tell her. The less she knows, the better off she'll be.

I lie. "It's just something for work." Her intense gaze tells me she knows I'm lying. But, it's for her own good.

"Okay," she sighs, giving up. "At least tell me about Andre."

I take this moment as an invitation to investigate the man. "How do you know him? Last night you said you were mad at him. Did he really get someone off after they assaulted and injured an officer?"

She waves a hand in front of her, "That's nothing. He's simply horrible to deal with in court."

"So, he's a lawyer eh?" I play off the conflicting emotions.

Smirking she responds, "Why yes he is... and not just for any law firm either." I whipped my head towards her awaiting the suspense because she has that devilish tone and glisten in her eye. She smiles making me wait. "He works for Ruthesburg."

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